Chapter 15

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Amelia's POV

As I lounged in my room, my fingers danced over the pages of "The Night Circus" by Erin Morgenstern, a literary masterpiece that whisked me away to a fantastical world where magic and mystery collided under the canvas of a mysterious circus. The vivid imagery and intricate storytelling held me captive, each word painting a picture more enchanting than the last.

Amidst the intoxicating allure of the story, a gentle chime from my phone shattered the spell, reminding me of the plans I had made with France. With a jolt, I realized that time had slipped away from me, lost in the labyrinthine corridors of the circus within the pages of the book.

Quickly marking my place, I set the book aside and rose from my cozy reading nook, my bed, a sense of urgency hirting me into motion. Making my way to the washroom, I allowed the warm water of the shower to wash away the cares of the day, feeling refreshed and rejuvenated as droplets cascaded over my skin.

With care, I tended to my skincare routine, each step a ritual of self-care and pampering. Serums and creams were applied with gentle strokes, coaxing out the natural radiance of my complexion. A light touch of makeup followed, enhancing my features with subtle elegance, a nod to the occasion without overwhelming my natural beauty.

Dressed in a casual ensemble that struck the perfect balance between comfort and style, I surveyed my reflection with a satisfied nod. Ready to face the world, I descended the stairs to inform my mother of my plans, though she greeted me with a knowing smile that indicated she was already aware.

"Off to see France, I presume?" she remarked with a twinkle in her eye, her maternal instincts always one step ahead. I nodded, returning her smile with gratitude for her unwavering support.

With a final glance at the clock, I stepped out into the evening air, anticipation coursing through my veins like a current of electricity. The restaurant where France and I had agreed to meet beckoned in the distance, a beacon of warmth and camaraderie amidst the bustling city streets.

As I walked, my mind buzzed with excitement, thoughts of laughter, conversation, and shared memories dancing through my imagination. Tonight held the promise of adventure and companionship, and I couldn't wait to see where the evening would take us.

Stepping into the restaurant, the warm aroma of simmering broth and spices enveloped me in a comforting embrace. The cozy interior was adorned with traditional Japanese decor, from paper lanterns casting a soft glow to wooden accents that added a rustic charm to the ambiance.

My eyes scanned the room until they landed on France, who was seated at a table near the back. The table was adorned with a small vase of fresh flowers, adding a touch of elegance to the casual atmosphere. On the table, there were menus neatly arranged, along with a pair of chopsticks resting on delicate ceramic holders.

Approaching France, I couldn't help but smile at the sight of his familiar face. He rose from his seat as I greeted him, returning my smile with genuine warmth. We exchanged pleasantries before settling into our seats, the anticipation of the meal ahead tingling in the air.

Apologizing for my tardiness, I asked if I had kept him waiting. France waved off my concern with a reassuring smile, insisting that it was no trouble at all. With that, we turned our attention to the menu, and I eagerly expressed my desire to try the renowned ramen options the restaurant had to offer.

After deliberating over the menu, we settled on our choices, opting for a variety of ramen bowls to sample. As we waited for our food to arrive, France initiated conversation, asking about my day and sharing anecdotes from his own.

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