Chapter 25

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Amelia's POV 

As we pulled into the university parking lot, my mind was already racing with ideas on how to tackle our project. I could feel Aiden's eyes on me, but I refused to give him the satisfaction of meeting his gaze. We exited the car in silence, our footsteps echoing against the pavement as we made our way to the main building.

The campus was full with activity, students hurrying to and from classes, groups gathered in animated discussions. I spotted Josh near the entrance, a look of mild surprise on his face as he saw us together.

"Amelia, Aiden," Josh greeted, his eyes flicking between us. "Didn't expect to see you two arriving together."

I forced a smile. "Yeah, well, fate."

Josh nodded, "I can see."

As we made our way to the library, I couldn't help but feel a knot of anxiety tightening in my stomach. The stakes were high, and the pressure to succeed was immense. We found a quiet corner and settled down, spreading out our materials on the table.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves. "Okay, let's get started. We need to refine our proposal and make sure it's airtight."

Aiden leaned back in his chair, his gaze sharp and focused. "What's your plan, then?"

I outlined my ideas, detailing the key points we needed to address and the strategies we could employ. Aiden listened, occasionally interjecting with his own thoughts and suggestions. Despite our differences, I had to admit that his insights were valuable.

An hour passed as we worked tirelessly, the initial tension between us gradually easing as we found a rhythm. We argued over details, debated different approaches, and slowly but surely, our proposal began to take shape.

At one point, Aiden's phone vibrated with a message. He glanced at it and frowned. "I need to take this. Keep working, I'll be back in a minute."

As he stepped away, I took a moment to stretch and gather my thoughts. Despite the challenges, I felt a sense of accomplishment. We were making progress, and for the first time, I felt a glimmer of hope that we could actually pull this off.

Aiden returned, his expression unreadable. "Sorry about that. Where were we?"

I filled him in on what I'd worked on in his absence, and we dove back into the task at hand. Another hour flew by, and by the time we finally wrapped up, it was well into the evening.

Exhausted but satisfied, I leaned back in my chair and let out a long sigh. "I think we're ready."

Aiden nodded, his expression thoughtful. "We still have some polishing to do, but this is good work."

For a moment, we sat in silence, the weight of our efforts settling around us. Despite everything, we'd managed to come together and create something we could both be proud of.

As we finally finished refining our proposal, I glanced at the clock on the library wall. The competition submission deadline was fast approaching, and the pressure was mounting. I quickly packed up our materials, feeling the weight of the ticking clock in every hurried movement.

"We need to get this submitted now," I said urgently to Aiden, who was already gathering his things.

Without a word, we both rushed out of the library and headed towards the competition hall. The campus seemed even more crowded than before, students buzzing with excitement and anticipation for the big event. My heart pounded as we navigated through the throngs of people.

As we reached the entrance to the hall, a familiar face stopped us. It was one of the judges, Professor Hartman, known for his strict standards and no-nonsense attitude. He eyed us critically, as if assessing whether we were worthy competitors.

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