Chapter 10

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Amelia's POV;

I got onto my bed after finishing up my skincare routine, feeling the cool softness of the sheets against my skin. It was a much-needed moment of relaxation after a day filled with laughter and chaos. Rose always knew how to make things interesting.

But as I lay there, the memory of Aiden's betrayal crept back into my mind. The nerve of that guy! I couldn't just let it slide. Ideas swirled in my head like a tornado, each one more daring than the last.

"I could... I could poison his pet," I murmured to myself, testing out the idea. "His sister's my friend, so getting access wouldn't be a problem."

But then reality hit me. "No, that's too much," I reasoned, shaking my head. "Maybe I'll just mess up his stuff instead. Show him who's boss."

My fingers traced absentminded patterns on the bedspread as I weighed my options. "Or... I could embarrass him in front of everyone," I thought aloud, a smirk tugging at my lips. "Yeah, that might just teach him a lesson."

With a determined nod, I pushed myself off the bed, ready to put my plan into action. Revenge never tasted so sweet.

The next morning dawned with a sense of anticipation as I prepared to face another day at school. I smoothed down my hair and grabbed my bag, a flicker of nerves dancing in my stomach. But today was different. Today, I had a glimmer of hope.

As I entered the classroom, the usual buzz of chatter filled the air. I took my seat, trying to ignore the anxious thoughts swirling in my mind. But then, to my surprise, the teacher began discussing the previous assignment. My ears perked up as she praised me and Agent for our exceptional teamwork.

A wave of relief washed over me, mingled with gratitude. It was unexpected, this acknowledgment of our efforts. I had been so worried about fitting in, about proving myself in this new academic environment. And yet, here I was, receiving praise for something I had doubted myself in.

I stole a glance at Agent, a silent acknowledgment passing between us. Today is a good day, I hope.

As I walked through the crowded hallway, I couldn't help but feel a knot of tension tightening in my stomach. And then, just like that, I found myself face-to-face with Aiden. His presence alone was suffocating, like a dark cloud looming over me.

I tried to ignore him, to just keep walking and pretend like he didn't exist. But of course, he had other plans. With a sneer on his lips, he unleashed his usual barrage of insults, each one hitting me like a slap in the face.

"Miss Perfect," he spat out, his words dripping with venom. I gritted my teeth, refusing to let him see how much his words hurt.

But then something inside me snapped. Maybe it was the newfound confidence from the praise in class, or maybe it was just pure frustration boiling over. Whatever it was, I couldn't hold back anymore.

"Funny coming from someone who's not worth my time," I shot back, my voice steady despite the storm raging inside me.

His eyes flashed with anger, a dangerous glint that sent shivers down my spine. "Watch your back, Amelia," he growled, his words like a warning bell tolling in the distance.

"Besides your irritating attitude," he added, his tone dripping with sarcasm. I bristled at the insult, but before I could respond, he continued, "You did a good job. Good job, for the assignment."

I froze in my tracks, stunned by Aiden's unexpected compliment. His words hung in the air, a strange mixture of praise and disdain that left me feeling off-balance.

I blinked, trying to process his words. Was he being genuine, or was this just another one of his mind games? I couldn't tell.

A surge of irritation bubbled up inside me at Aiden's backhanded compliment. Who did he think he was, trying to play nice after everything he'd put me through?

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