chapter 6

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My brothers refused to leave me by my self, I think they were more scared then I was. I was fine unless I didnt lose control, which has only happened three times. 

So as long as nothing that happened in the past happened again I would be okay. I still have people to live for, people who need me, so Ill fight for as long as I can so I dont have to leave them. We need each other. 

As long as their still here I will fight. 

Me and my brothers were cuddled up on the massive couch in the living room, watching a movie when the others came into the room with mysterious smirks on their faces. 

"Is there a body that needs to be hidden, if not then what did you do," I asked.

 Nothing good ever happened with that smirk on their faces. Their smirks whipped off their faces, and their moods turned sour. 

"No ugh, why do you always think that," Ryker asked.

 I gave him a 'really' look. 

Scarlet interrupted "Were going to get drunk, you want to tag along?" Getting drunk dosent sound that bad. 



The group decided to one of the clubs we didnt own, as our club in Thauria was currently being rebuilt. It was named 'The Three Musciteres", a weird name in my opinion. 

Who cares because either way we were going to get drunk. 

Me and the girls went up stairs to my room, Miguel and Dom where staying to watch the twins, but other than that we all were going. 

Once we were done we met the boys in the garage, and picked out the car we were going to drive. A hour latter and we pulled up to the bar. Colored lights streamed down on us as we entered the packed club.

Five drinks later, we stumbled out of the club, into the street. We were already out plus planning with two kids isnt exactly the easy, so why not have even more fun while we can.

 "You guys want to go to our hangout?" Nick asked he was the designated driver, as he is the most responsible when it comes to handling alcohol. 

"Why not! Its been forever since, place probully was taken over by druggys," Ethan sighed snuggling further into Nick's chest, I smiled at the two of them.

 We all are different when we are drunk or tippsy, Ethan was cuddly, Elijah happyier, Scarlet angrier, Kylie louder, Ambrose is sassyer, Ryker is dummer, Luna is funnier but also spilles everyones secrets, and I have never ever seen Nickolas drunk, or even drink for that matter.

Back when we first escaped him, we managed to stumble onto the roof of the bar where Dom first found us.

 That rooftop became out hide out, whenever we were overwhelmed or needed a break we had a place to go, where the others knew we were. 

Its our safe space, the place we can just breathe, talk. Sure it wasnt ideal for royals to be hanging out, the concrete was covered in graffety and the stench of weed and alcholh filled the air.

 It wasnt pretty or normal, but then again none of us are, it was a perfect spot, and we made it ours.

We decided to walk the mile and a half to the old bar. 

We tried many times to purchase the bar but the old couple who owned it where very stubborn, I could have taken it if I really wanted to but they needed the money more than I did. Besides they will be dead in a few years. 

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