Chapter 28

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A few weeks have passed and I have gained back most of the weight I dropped from not eating, making me an average weight and not all skin and bone. Today was a training day. Once a month all of us do hardcore training exercises, gaining agility, muscle and skill. Today's training would be a little different as my older brothers would also be joining us for training, Dom had taken the kids to an amusement park as usually there is vomiting and the children have a massive phobia of vomit so It's best if they wernt here, and they were safe because Tommy was with them, I own the amusement park and reserved it for them and there was over two hundred royal guards around the park for protection. SO they had the time of their lives while we would all be 'dying'.

It was around 5:30 when I set off an air horn into the intercom as loud as it could and I wouldn't turn it off until everyone was in the gym. It was great for me because I have noise canceling headphones, for the others it was terrible. It only took a minute and a half for everyone to make it to the gym in training clothes. I turned off the loud speakers before taking the headphones off. "Morning, how you doing?" They glared and I moved on. "So today is our monthly training day, we usually train in here and outside, but it is raining so it's time to show you boys a new room."

They all followed behind me as I made my way over to the picture above the mantle, opening it by pulling the frame and climbing into the passageway. I turned around to see everyone one shocked. "When the hell did we get that?!" Elijah said his voice cracking a few times but still managing. Wait he talked. My older brothers all looked shocked while Ethan, our friends, and me all gave him proud smiles. I cleared my throat, trying to get rid of the awkward silence, "I built it when I designed the house, the tunnels go all through the house and there are many rooms that you don't know exist." They all slowly nodded before climbing in after me and we were off.

We passed the ice rink, basketball room, laser tag, candy room, waterpark, and indoor pool before coming to the largest room in the house, the gym. There was a sports section, gymnastic section, weight lifting, weapons, workout machines, a track, ropes to climb, a trapeze, and even a fighting pen. "Welcome to the Ferrari work out room." My brothers gasped before they all explored around the room, "Lun, Miguel," I called to which they rattled over from inspecting the trapeze bar. "What to show them what you can do?" They nodded before making their way over to the trapezes.

Luna and Miguel knew about this place as I built most of the stuff for them and my other kids when they are old enough. They come in here and practice the trapezes everyday along with figure skating, and have become very good at the trapezes.

When I saw them poke their heads out from behind the side curtains on opposite sides I nodded and hit their music. They jumped onto the bars at the same time, causing all the others to come over, Ezra looked petrified and I couldn't help but giggle at his face, "Relax they got this." I nodded his shoulder and he reached a little but was still stiff. Sure enough they continued their act jumping bars, and doing twist and tricks, before it was time for the family. Lun launched herself off of her bar grabbing onto Ezra's hands who were ready for her. They swayed a few more times before both backfliping off and landing in the net. A clapping was heard from behind us where I find Lina standing. "Lina!!" Lun yelled standing up before running over to her girlfriend. "Hey love." The couple embraced and kissed to which I turned away to find Ezra and Miguel scrunching their nose in disgust at their sister kissing someone. "Not a word to you," I stated in an emotionless voice causing them to pale and gulp loudly. My brothers all began to work up but I stopped them, Lun will hate me and Lina when she finds out why she is really here.

"Twenty more laps," Lina yelled, causing my biologicals to look at me for help while my twins, Lun, Miguel, and friends all silently endured the pain. In reality I brought Lina to cheer up Lun who was missing her but also help with training. My brothers had all puked multiple times in buckets which they were carrying. Soon enough the torture was over or so they taught.

Both me and Lina made our way over to the fighting pen to fight. I dogged kick after kick however she got me good a few times, I swiped her feet from under her and she fell tapping out when she realized she was trapped. "Good job you've improved." I was the one who taught Lina to fight after her father told me to. "How the hell did you just defeat the princess of xxx." Cal asked in shock. "Like I said there is a lot you don't know about me. Know whose next." Sure enough I had won against each one of my brothers, boyfriend, and friends. I showed everyone to the locker rooms before realizing that Lina and Luna had disappeared, oh well.

After we were all freshened up we made our way outside to the patio which had a fire pit I turned on before grabbing a bottle of tequila and chugging. I was a little dizzy and tipsy and beside me was a stick I had named Stexy. Stexy was a hot stick, the girls had drowned on their face and abs. Ezra was glaring at a stick. "Are you seriously jealous of Steaxy?" "Yes that stick is the worse we should light him on fire and cremate him." "Im sorry what. Not my Stexy, you can't hurt him, we're in love." I begged but he didn't listen and threw him into the fire causing me to immediately burst into tears, he tried to pull him out but he was already ash. So he grabbed a wooden box, scooped up the ashes and labeled the box Stexy before handing it to whining when I cried harder, until I fell asleep. 

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