Chapter 15

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The next morning, I found myself not alone in my bed. Arms wrapped around my waist, I don't remember bringing anyone home from the bar, or anything past my fifteenth drink.

I moved my body around and screamed. "Ezra what the fuck are you doing in my bed?!" He shot out of bed, eyes wide before asking, "Who died?" That's all he had to say. "Really? That's all you have to say after I woke up with your arms around my waist. Why the hell are you in my bed?" I asked. He just shrugged his shoulders before rolling out of bed onto the ground.

"You really don't remember what you said last night do you?" He asked, after noticing my annoyed face. "No should I?" He scoffed before responding, "Ya you should have asked me to snuggle with you and were telling me all about how much you missed me, and were about to tell me your 'biggest secret' as you called it before you passed out in my arms." I winced, how could I be so stupid if I told him about the twins he would take them away from me, and I would never see them again.

"Whats with the face, Annie?" Dammit that nickname. "Nothing that concerns you, yet," I muttered, before adding, "also don't call me that you lost the right to that name when you left us." With that I left Ezra frowning in my bedroom as I left to get ready in my bathroom.

By the time I was done he was gone. "Thank god." I turned the lights off in my room before making my way to the kitchen for breakfast, which was more like Lunch because it was three pm.

We all looked the same, massive bags under our eyes, makeup messy, and clearly hungover. My head fell down on the table, and my twins pulled my head up, moving their chairs over and sandwiching me in between them so I didn't fall over. Everyone was at the table except Callum, Scarlet, Mom, and Giovani.

Who knows what Scar and Cal were doing, I had no doubt that Giovani on the other hand was helping Mom with the redraw symptoms.

A bit later everyone finished eating and started cleaning up, while I left to find my Mom, and second oldest brother. I found them in my moms bathroom, no shock to me she looked miserable and was begging over and over for alcohol. I was addicted to drugs, not alcohol. I know they are different in their own ways, however both of them are addictions and take huge amounts of lives each year.

"Hey mom, how are you doing?" I asked, making my way over to her and sitting down in front of her sweating body. She looked over at me before trying to manipulate me into giving her what she wanted, "Hey my sweet girl can you please go grab your mother some alcohol." So I did kinda what she wanted, "Sure."
Five minutes later I returned with a class of water dyed a finished color with food coloring. I handed it to her and she downed it in one sip. "Another." She seemed to have no idea that it was actually water, which is what the human body really needed. Ten glasses of dead water she was angry about why she wasn't dazed, but at least she wasn't as hot as she was before. Though she was sad all the years catching up as she shattered into sobs in my arms. I did the one thing that helped me when I was withdrawing. I sang.

When I first made the choice to clean, Ezra helped me and sang toons to me the whole time, so when I came out with my first album years after he left me, the songs were all about heartbreak and him. It still hurts to listen to those songs I sang, as most of them were written and produced when I was extremely pregnant and hormonal. That reminds me I have a tour this year with me and the girls, singing.

Soon enough my mom was asleep and Gio came back to help me put her in her bed. I was surprised when I realized we weren't alone. Ezra had been there the whole time, he looked at me with tears before saying words that made me both want to kiss him and kill him, "I'm so sorry Annie, I listened to your songs every day, all your interviews, speeches, everything. I'm so sorry that I left but I had to, I had no choice."

"Why? What do you mean I had no choice?" I asked, but he did not answer until it was clear he wasn't going to answer before leaving my moms room, with her asleep and him silently crying. If he wasn't going to explain himself, then I wasn't going to force him to open up.

On my way to my office I bumped into a furious Lily. "Hey Lil whats up?" I asked. "Dont 'hey lil' me. Why did you leave me at the restaurant? You stood me up!" She yelled. Shit how could I forget. Her screaming triggered everyone to come to the foyer to see what the hell was going on.

"I don't know Lily, try being kidnapped, then finding out you have a family! Then you see if you can remember a date. My life was flipped in a day. You wouldn't survive if you were in my place!" I yelled back at her. My brothers looked at me open mouthed while the girls cheated me on, while Ezra looked jealous?

My cheek suddenly stung, and I turned to see Lily with her palm raised. I raised my hand to feel my cheek. "Oh you bitch," I said in anger, lasing my voice, my eyes changed black but I kept myself in control.

Her face paled seeing my eyes, and she froze before stuttering, "I-I just wanted to be loved." Oh boy here we go again. "Lily I told you this before, we were nothing other than flings. I told you before we started, I don't date. So I'm sorry if you fell but I don't love you," I spoke as calmly as I could.

Her next words shocked me, "I hope you die!" Low blow. "I already am but I wont allow you to speed up the process, boys take her to the cells." I couldn't kill her in front of my brothers and maybe a day in a cell will change her mind.

I started walking away but stopped when I heard her stretchy, 'seductive' voice. I whirled around to find Ezra standing there very discumfortable while Lily flirted with him. She had tears down her face and was covered in snot. Great. "Boys I'll do it myself." I walked over to her and the boys realized her arms and she started to run not before I set my shadows to form a wall in front of her, my brothers gasped but I was too tired of this bitch to care. I restrained her arms, waved to the others and made my way to the basement to lock her up in one of the cells. What a morning.

A Life Full of Loss #1Where stories live. Discover now