Chapter 23

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The racetrack. One of the world's most famous street racing locations, in other worlds the place where most people die, get arrested, or win thousands of dollars. Scarlet's favorite place. I had the guards drive over her racing car so she could let out her anger on the track.

She gave a small smile looking at the track before kissing me on the cheek, thanking me and heading to her car. I went to the group chat and texted the others to come and watch Scar. They showed up less than ten minutes later totally not speeding. My brothers were there two looking at me angrily shit I must have texted the wrong group chat. Callum was the only one looking everywhere for Scarlet. "Shes racing," He whispered when he finally found her.

My friends and twin's eyes widened, even though scarlet loved racing she only raced here when something really bad happened and she needed to let off steam by crashing cars. "How did you know where this place was?" Lenon asked suspiciously. I only smirked before replying, "Like I said brother there is a lot you don't know about me, about all of us."

The race was about to start, the signs lit up above the start line.




And they were off, the red car took the lead early. She rammed a car into the side lines before spinning around and turning her car into reverse. Her signature trick, the ramp came up and she sped up, and hit the bump full speed causing her car to fly into the air and flip, Ethan raised his arm ready to use his power, but there was no need Scar landed the flip, laughing at the other cars that didn't make it over the jump and were on fire their riders either dead or screaming. My brothers looked shocked. Scarlet came around the last loop crossing the finish line with no one behind her. "GO SCAR!" I yelled. She looked up at me and smiled a real smile before mouthing 'thank you'. I nodded my head. She had no reason to thank me; she did the same for me.

"And the winner is Eclips!" The announcer called out and Scarlet put the red lily pop back into her mouth before flipping off the cameras and going back to her car. "Real classy Scar. Classy," I shook my head. Wait. Shit. The announcer said her assassin name, and my biologicals are here, great.

I turned around to see my brother's confused and shocked faces before jumping over the short fence and walking over to where the scar was. I opened my arms and she ran into them squeezing me tight. "Feel better?" I asked. "A bit," She shrugged. I can work with that.

I hopped into her car and we drove off to go cause trouble.

Five hours later ten cans of spray paint, ten or so drinks, and handcuffs on our hands were put into a cell again. Thank god officer noisey isnt here. We were charged with vandalism, drunk driving, speeding, and possession of drugs, which I stopped from taking. Thank god. I wish I could change the laws but there were some laws that I had to keep because they are needed for the general safety of the public. However it sucked for us.

A person opened up the cell but I was shocked when it was Ezra and not a cop. "Did you take them Ana?" he asked angrily, I flinched at his tone. "No I didn't, I stopped Scar from taking them, how could you think that I would take them, you know how much I hate them!" I responded. He crossed his arms, "Well I don't believe you!", he stated. I looked at him in disbelief watching as a doctor came in to check my blood. Scarlet looked at him shocked, "It was me who stopped me from taking them." He just ignored her. I silently cried as I waited for the doctor to come back with my negative results.

Ezra was glaring at me watching my every move and was scared. I was crying again, I was just silently crying not believing that he didn't believe me. "Sir, I have the results." The doctor was back, Ezra looked at him expectantly, "Her test came back clean. She has no trace of drugs in her system. Miss you two are free to go." I nodded my head, tears of heart break and disbelief followed down my face, I grabbed scarlet's hand pulling her with me as I pushed past Ezra's frozen body. Once he realized I was leaving he ran after us trying to stop us. He was two slow thogj/ I realized Scar's hand as she went to the passenger set me in the driver. But before I could drive out Ezra slammed his hand onto the window, causing us to flinch.

"Annie I'm sorry, I-I just thought," He stammered. "You didn't believe me. Whatever we had, whatever we were, is done. You need to find a hotel, I'll send the divorce papers to you as soon as I can." Before I pulled out of the station driving away from the love of my life.

Once we were on the open road Scar turned to me eyes wide, "Divorce, when were you married?!" She yelled. I winced, "Uh, science we were seventeen." She looked at me in shock, "Wow." "In my defense we were drunk and didn't remember anything till we saw the wedding rings on our fingers." She looked at my ring finger, "That's not where I keep the ring," I said, pulling the gold chain with an emerald ring looped around it out from behind my shirt. She inspected it before muttering, "How did I not see this before?" I just shrugged my head, I really don't know.

Scarlet smiled sadly at me before turning back and screaming. I turned fast to see ten cars coming straight for us, I raised my hand in a weak effort to protect myself, relicing the gas petal, waiting for a hit that never came.

Scarlet gasped, causing me to open my eyes. All the cars were in the air. I pulled my arms back and they fell to the ground begging crushed. She looked at me big eyed, "What the hell." I shook my head. What the hell indeed.

I made cars float in the air like Ethan can. Me Anastasia Mia Ferrari-Die no Ferrari, just Ferrari, made cars float ten feet above the ground. But that isn't possible. I don't have that ability; it was just shadows and fire. Until now.

"Wait, I want to try something." I looked at her expectantly. "Turn into a chip muck," she commanded.

"What the hell."

"Go turn all tiny."

"No I can't, I don't have that ability!"

"Oh sure. You just made ten cars which are like a million pounds floating in the air without trying. S please try."

"Fine, how do I do it?"

"Think small." I did as she said, squeezing my eyes to concentrate. "No, now you look like you're constipated." I opened my eyes and glared at her before trying again, once again I felt nothing happen. "This is pointless, and will never work," but my voice came out as a squeak what the hell. I opened my eyes to find Scarlets face massive and I looked at my self, "HOLY SHIT IM A FUCKING CHIPMUNCK!" but it only came out as squuks. Then scarlet learned down.

I was now dressed in a pink dress with a bow on my head. Scarlet had brought me into a pet store and bought me an outfit and let old people pinch my cheeks. They kept calling me cute, which is wrong, I'm not cute, I'm hot. We were now walking through the mansion; everything looked so big from inside Scar's hands. We made our way to the kitchen where everyone was seated, all except Ezra thank god. My family, friends, and even children took turns crawling over me, poking me, squeezing me and petting me. The affection was discussed.

I had enough. I had had many dress changes and was now dressed up as wonder woman. I was done. So I closed my eyes before growing back to my human size and running after Scar who smirked at me. I smirked back before creating two shadow puppies and a jaguar to chase after her. Thank god I was still in my clothes I shifted in, and wasn't naked in front of my whole family.

Speaking of my family, they were frozen, "Hey guys, whatcha doing?" I asked innocently. "What the hell was that?" Ethan asked. "A new trick," I replied smiling as he froze, noticing his drink which was floating over to me. "Ho-how?" "Dont know." I shrugged. "I lifted up ten cars that were about to kill us out of fear, then shrunk into a chipminch for scarlet to play dress up with," I grumbled. "Ten-Ten cars?" Ethan asked. I nodded, "Ana, that took me years to do, and you did it without even trying. Do you know how powerful you must be?" He asked and I shrugged. "There still is no power that will bring her back." And with that the mood is dark again. "Okay well I'm off to bed tonight." I left without giving them time to fight, joining my kids who were already asleep in bed. What a fucking day. 

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