Chapter 9

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"You're what?!" he screamed.

 Alina walked over to Luna's seat and wrapped her arms around her body. Luna melted into the embrace, and finally for once today I saw a smile on her face. The young couple pulled apart and Luna checked over Luna for any physical wounds.

 "Im fine, Lina. They just sedated us," Luna replied, trying to calm her girlfriend, that plan backfired. 

"They what?" She screamed. 

This was going to be fun.

"I'm fine baby, it was just a prick. I've survived worse," Luna mumbled. 

"It is not fine how dare they drag you into something you're not even relevant to," she fought back. 

"Hes my brother," Luna mumbled.

"Im sorry come again? The ass who left you, Miguel and Ana. Who caused you to go to them?" she questioned, her gaze turned to mine I turned away downing my wine in one gulp. 

I was going to need a lot more alcohol to handle this night. I ordered another when the waiter came back to our table.

I wish I could get high, but then my years of hard work to get clean will be out the window, and I refuse to leave my children with no parents. That is the last thing I want my children to ever have to experience.

Ezra was still frozen.

 A round of applause sounded, snapping everyone out of their trances. I gazed around to see who was clapping it was Miguel. He had a massive smile on his face, proud of his sister. 

"You tell him sis,"he shouted. I smiled at the two of them, who both had massive smiles on their faces. My children.

Miguel walked over to Luna and Lina pulling both of them into a tight hug. 

"Cant breathe," Luna rushed out, her tan skin turning red from lack of air. 

He raised the two of them before ruffling up Luna's hair causing her to whine. 

I stood up from my seat and walked over to them, I opened my arms and all three of them ran into my arms. I smiled, placing a kiss on the top of each of their foreheads, Alina and Miguel broke out of the hug going to find seats at the massive table.

"What did I tell you?" I asked Luna who was still squeezing the crap out of me. 

"They wouldn't think any different of me,"she murmured. 

I nodded, before kissing the top of her forehead, whispering "I'm so proud of you Lun." 

She gave me one last smile, her dimples showing, before pulling away and sitting next to Lina.

Dom was waiting patiently for his hug. Once Luna was seated, he shuffled over and pulled me into his chest. I smiled into his tee-shirt. 

"Thank you," I whispered, but it came out muffled from the cloth.

I wasn't one hundred percent sure what I was thanking him for. For being here, for watching my kids, or for taking us in when we needed most. Probably a mix of all of that.

"No problem Red." I rolled my eyes. 

"Also I grabbed your stuff from the station," he said in English before switching over to Greek, "also that cop is in the cells." I thanked him, and he handed me my phone and purse.

Wait if they are all here who are watching the twins?!

 "Who the hell are watching my other children?" I questioned, this time in russian as that was one of the languages Ezra didn't know. I think, unless he went to Rasmeria. 

"There's on the jet," he replied, still in Russian. 

"You left my three year old twins on a plane alone?!" I shouted in Russian. His face lost all color before he quickly pulled out his phone and ran down the stairs.

"Dumbass,I can't even have one night of freedom without dealing with one of you," I ground glaring at my family.

They all looked offended and Ambrose, being dramatic, put his hand over his heart before saying, "You wound me Ana, how dare you." Just in time for the fake tears to fall. 

"Wow, Ambrose, you should have done acting, or theater. I could see you as one of those nerdy theater kids. Actually I think they would be smarter though, and live longer. Not dying from hair dye poisoning."

The others broke out laughing, all my biologicals, Ezra and Aspen, looked shocked and concerned. Caleb however was smiling. Holy crap. The phones. No fucking way.

I turned to Ambrose before smirking. He was confused but I pulled out my phone and texted him, my new piece of information on him.

 He read it before he bit the inside of his cheek. I pretended to zip my lips and he chuckled, before once again going back to texting Caleb on his phone. Man he's whipped big time.

Ezra was still paralyzed and he had a sickly look on his face. 

I guess having your younger siblings, ex girlfriend, and sister's girlfriend really does that to you. Miuel, Luna, and Lina all had identical glares on their faces, full of hatred for their older brother.

They used to look up to him. Now I don't even want to look at him. I cant. Not without remembering what he did to us.

My biologics noticed the tense tone, and started a conversation. It is taking every inch of my self control not to pounce over the dining table and stab him directly in the heart with the knife strapped onto my thigh.

 I don't know why I'm holding myself back.

My powers stirred inside me eager to take over but I pushed them back, I would not lose control over some dick who left his family behind. However, he added one more comment that made me want to, interrupting my biologicals who were talking about business, and political problems. 

"So how have you been Ana? I missed you so much. I hope it wasn't a lot of work."

Is he being fucking serous. The table quieted. I allowed for my shadows to spread under the table, "Are you serious right now. 'I hope it wasn't a lot of work', you wouldn't know how much work it is because you didn't even do half of it when we were together. You try running not one country but two then tell me how much work it is, and that isn't even mentioning your siblings, who I practically raised since you left. Who held them when they cried over missing you, their parents, their foster homes, who held them when they sobbed into my arms wishing that you would just send them a letter or a text letting them know you were alive and still cared," I shouted however when I talked out the countries I switched over to Mexican, a language we both knew.

"You try raising four kids and tell me how hard it is, then add running a country to that, then add another country. Tell me how many nights you spend awake, wishing for anyone to help. Then having to put a smile on your face so your children don't get upset. Then tell me how hard it is."

 My shadows crawled up his legs, and wrapped tightly around his neck adding pressure slightly choking him. I heard the others gasp, I didn't care, I was too angry.

"What do you mean four kids," He grunted out. His voice cracked from my shadows squeezing him. Crap. 

"Is that seriously all that you got from that? Gosh you're just as stupid as I remember. How could I have been so stupid enough to date you. I can't believe I was in love with you. Let alone married to you." I decided to ignore the kid's comment, he didn't deserve to know.

My shadows squeezed him harder. He was on the brink of passing out, while I was on the edge of losing control not only killing him but also me. Suddenly a phone was pressed up to my ear and I smiled, hearing the voices of my youngest twins. 

They were going on and on about all the drawlings they made for me, and how nice Lily was being to them.

And suddenly the shadows realised my ex and settled back into their spots. 

"Okay my babies, I need to go. I'll call you later before I go to bed, I love you so much." I whispered in Greek. They said their goodbyes and the call ended.

I took a deep breath before speaking again, "So where to now?" 

A Life Full of Loss #1Where stories live. Discover now