Chapter 25

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Last night was a work out, all my muscles ached and I barely did anything. Must be all the sweets. I didn't get much sleep only an hour, I used to be able to sleep so well when he was with me but now I cant sleep at all and my food consumption is worse, I don't think I have eaten in like a week, so I need to eat at some point today, but before I could eat I had to deal with the 'situation' between me and Ezra.

I made my way down to the kitchen after sending a guard to go retrieve Ezra from wherever the hell he is staying. It was only five thirty so I was expecting to be the only on up however all my older brothers were awake already in the kitchen working. "Hey, good morning!" Len greeted me with a massive smile on his face. "Morning." I replied with a little less intusiasm, but he didn't seem to mind, only hopped up out of his seat and practically hopped his way over to me, and jumped into my arms, for some reason he was light? Like I barely felt him in my arms. Weird. We stood there for a few minutes efore he leaped out of my arms and ran back to his seat, a creepy grin scratched onto his face.

I sat down in an empty seat before I began to work. I finished about a fourth of my work before my head began to hurt really bad. I rubbed my forehead and eyes trying to relieve some of the pressure, but it was no use. Memories and events flowed into me like a tsunami, destroying everything in its way before reaching my brain, causing me to lose consciousness.

Flash back 1.

"Mommy, Daddy, come watch us sing!" Three identical children yelled. Sure enough their mother and father made their way to the royal palices living room, to watch their youngest children express their passion. I realized what I was looking at, me and my brothers were putting on a show for our parents. Our mother looked healthier, I walked over to her but when I touched her my hand went right through her face. It must have been a dream. I rubbed my face before looking at the other figure, the man I believed to be my father. He looked familiar for some reason. My mother was happy because my father was here and me and my twins were happy to be loved. I made my way out of the living room, before exploring my other lost memories that occurred inside the mansion.

The walls of the mansion were covered in gold embellishments and expensive artifacts, and art pieces. Who ever designed this place sure had taste. I walked through the corridors making my way through the long walls with no sense of directions just walking wondrously. I heard giggles and laughter from behind me, and turned around to see a younger version of Lennon with Lijah on his shoulders followed by Gio who had Ethan, and surprisingly Cal had me on his shoulders and Race boy had little Lennon. I watched as we ran the halls all of us laughing and having the time of our life. I couldn't help but wonder what our life would have been without the fire.

They ran down the halls until they were out of view and I continued to walk the halls, before I came across the kitchen which was covered in frosting and all types of food, where my older brothers and mini us, were covered in food, laughing and throwing food at each other. I leaned against the door frame watching over my younger form so much more innocently, with no scars, for a few moments before I turned and continued walking.

I managed to find my way to the shooting range? Why would my bios need a shooting range in their house? I watched as my little form hid behind barrels of gun powder watching my brothers shoot round after round smiling as the bullets hit fatal shots on the mannequin. Holy shit, little me was a physco, guess somethings never change. I smiled at my brothers carelessly fooling around, what happened to us all? Sighing I left the range before wondering about the falls.

The tvs played all different memories from birth to the disappearance, all the vacations, birthdays, everything. I knew everything. Suddenly flames danced around the walls closing in on me. I could hear my brothers screaming my names trying to find me. But the flames found me first burning my skin till I passed out, a burnt crisp.

"ANNIE!" I shot up looking at Ezra and around the frozen kitchen before remembering where I was. "What?" I asked, to which my brothers looked at me like I lost my mind. "What do you mean what, Annie you passed out and started to sieze!" Ezra yelled. "Shit." I mumbled. "I'm fine guys, it's normal, well my new normal." My friends and twins were there, two looking at me sad, the only people that wernt here were my kids, which I assumed were with Dom as he wasn't here as well, and RYker who was doing god knows what.

"What do you mean new normal, love," Ezra asked. "I have a tumor in my brain, from the electroshock, that causes me to sieze, and if I lose control of my powers I die," I rushed out looking at the floor which looked really interesting right now. "WHAT?!" my older brothers, mother, and Ezra screamed. "Yep." I replied before thinking of something to get me out of this, "Also did you guys know that I was Cal's favorite when we were little?" Cal blushed before looking away before Scar came and kissed his cheek causing a red lip print from her lipstick to be stuck on his cheek. Cal blushed even more, ugh, love. My older brothers began to argue over who was his favorite, causing mom to chime in, "Ya you were Ana, he practically didn't let you walk on your own!" To which I replied, "I know, right?" From all the memories with Cal I had remembered I was never on my own feet, always in his arms or on his shoulders.

"Wait what do you mean, 'I know''' Cal asked, "Oh. ya I got all my memories back, now me and Ezra need to talk." I said, grabbing Ezra's hand before heading upstairs, leaving everyone shocked.

We made it to our room. No Ana bad. My room. Before we sat on the bed and began to talk about our 'relationship, and problums' more like his problums he caused, sure enough we were both making out before we let ourselves get lost in each other for the first time in years. 

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