Chapter 32:

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=This gets a little.. heavy near the end hehe=

Thirteen years, three months, and twenty-nine days after:

Sophie's imparter buzzed, Elwin.


"Hey." She saw his forehead wrinkle when her face appeared "Sophie, have you been sleeping?"

"Um-" She looked over to the living room where Keefe was sorting his Prattles, Eri was playing with Durpe her Banshee, Dex was messing around with some wire and metal, Melissa was trying some new jewelry on and Tam was reading a book embossed with the words "A modern guide to the early past" His gold eye with ice blue flakes and a midnight-blue eye with brown flakes rushing over the pages.

Sophie sighed, "Yeah I've been sleeping a bit, that new elixir helped a lot, but I- I think I've finally got over... it."

Elwin sighed, "Okay."

"Hey, mom?" Tam looked up, "Honey, Elwin's on my Imparter-"

"No it's fine I'll call you back later." Elwin said, hurriedly, "Bye." He hung up, his face impassive.

"Yes Tam?" Sophie turned around, looking at her expectant son, "Mom!"

Sophie sighed, "Yes, Tam?" Tam sighed, "Mom- well come here!" Sophie rolled her eyes, but smiled- slightly, "Okay!"

"We should visit Elwin." He smirked at her... Keefe's smirk... She shook her head, "Tam, I was just on the Imparter with him." She tried to keep the exasperation out of her voice. "Well, you should call him and ask!" Sophie stared at the ceiling, closed her eyes, and let out a loud sigh.

She clicked Elwins name and his smiling face appeared, "Yes, Tam, you can visit." He hung up, but not before Sophie heard their (Lady Isrika's and his) daughter talking to someone, "You look like my friend!"

When they got there the doorway was shrouded in darkness, "Elwin?" Sophie's voice was questioning her eyebrow creased, "Oh, sorry!" Lady Isrika's voice called. "Come in Sophie!"

A voice, a voice that punched Sophie in the gut, "Wait- Foster's here?"

Sophie glared at the doorway- still shrouded in darkness, her eyes stung and her mind raced and- "So what you show up out of the blue, after you abandoned us for 13- no 14 years?"

Sophie was broken, she let go of Dex, and Tam, the tips of their hands falling away from hers, as she stepped closer through the doorway to Keefe.

Keefe gave a small smile. "Hey did you miss me?"

"You left me... you left us for 14 years. But-" Sophie took a shaky breath, "Keefe- I... I've dreamt about this almost every night... since you died." her voice was shaky, "Oh really, so that means you slept for most of the nights?" Elwin disagreed.

"Sophie, I had Amnesia." Keefe insisted, "Mom, who is that?" Keefe Sencen-Foster bounded through the doorway, Elwin grimaced, Marella also ran through the door.

"Okay, Elwin what do you want, not to be mean but if Stina is here again because of a stupid mistake in an Elixir then I swear this school will be ablaze."

"No-no, honey, go." Keefe Sencen-Foster sighed, and hooked his arm through Marella's and ran back through the doorway.

Keefe's face went into shock- which is a perfectly fine reaction to seeing someone who looked exactly like you when you were young.

Then the rest of her kids ran through, and they saw her expression and slowly went away.

Elwin put on his spectacles and peered through them at Keefe as if he was looking at the screen of an x-ray machine. Keefe's voice filled her head, Sophie... which one is our child?

Sophie smirked, Keefe they're quintuplets. Keefe's head turned fast to look at her, Are they being treated fair?

Sophie sighed, Yes they are Keefe. There was silence for a second then-

Wait, um-Foster, I visited that cemetery where Ethan and his daughter were buried again, and I found an entire generation of people with the last name Foster... Keefe looked embarrassed, his mind suddenly flashed back, His mom advancing towards him.

A knife into his throat. Him being pushed over the edge. A raging river carrying him farther away. A scream full of sorrow from the place he fell. His head colliding with a rock. Then... darkness.

Keefe reached towards her offering his hand and Sophie clung to it, "I'm never letting you go again." She whispered, and he pulled her in for a hug.

"Hey Foster- sorry Sophie, that was just habit." Keefe mumbled and blushed, there was a great possibility his eyes were teary. Sophie sighed, but had a huge smile on her face, "Keefe, if I tolerate you, then call me Foster."

"Good job, random person who mom is emotionally attached too! That's the first time she's really smiled that big since... as long as I can remember..." Keefe Sencen-Foster ran in again as Keefe let go of Sophie and sat back down on the cot.

"Keefe- where did Marella go? Did you cause her to have another mental breakdown!?" Sophie rubbed her temple. "Because if so then you're finding another one of my friends willing to watch you for a couple minutes."

Keefe Sencen-Foster ignored her and he walked up to Keefe, "What is your name anywa- woah! You look exactly like me- er I look exactly like you because you are obviously older than me!" He walked closer examining his face.

"We even have the same eyes! Hey, did you know my dad? Mom grumpy-pants over here never talks about him but sometimes I can hear her crying herself to sleep at night, but then I bring her some human tea to make her happy!" Keefe Sencen-Foster talked so fast Sophie had a hard time keeping up, so did Keefe apparently.

"Er..." He looked at Sophie, "What did you say his name was because he sounds like Jensi!" Keefe tried to make a joke, "Wait- what did you say his name was!?" Sophie backed away.

She glanced at Elwin for help, but Elwin was too busy laughing, "Nope, I'm not getting involved."

"Er- Keefe... this is... Keefe... our son..."

A couple of hours later after chatting and laughing, Sophie decided to invite the rest of the Council over and cold turkey them with Keefe.

"Hey mom and Da- er Keefe?" Keefe Sencen-Foster appeared as Sophie and Keefe were setting the table, Sophie froze and Keefe flinched, "Yeah?" Keefe asked.

"How about you call me by my middle name to make things easier?" Keefe Sencen-Foster asked, "Okay, yeah, sure Kee- er Kenric dear." Sophie put down the forks as Keefe put down the cups. Ke- erm Kenric walked away satisfied but Keefe shook his head.

"Foster, he looks so much like you." Sophie looked up, startled, "Urm, Keefe I think you mean he looks like you I mean he has the messy blond hair, signature smirk, ice-blue eyes with midnight-blue flecks, and knack for trouble."

A knock on the door, "Oh hey Oarlie." Sophie called out "Come see what surprise Elwin showed me today!" Oarlie walked into the room white and stared at the floor in shock, "Sophie," She whispered, "Biana killed herself."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02 ⏰

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