Chapter: 9/10

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=Personally Ro is my second favorite character sorry lady marshmallow hands you're a close third and lord hunky-hair you'll always be first. <3 =

 "RO!" Sophie yelled, and tackle hugged her.

"Sup blondie? OOH delicious elf desserts mind if I take one?" she asked edaline.

"Not at all!" edaline replied "we could all use some happiness around here." not noticing the warning head shake Sophie gave her.

"Why?" Ro asked, narrowing her at Sophie because she noticed the head shake she gave Edaline.

"Well Keefe he- he's–"

"It's been fifteen minutes." Grady announced saving her from having to answer, and Sophie practically tackled him for the letter and ripped it open:

The council now consists of: Councilor Terik, Councilor Emery, Councilor Oarile ,Councilor Bronte, Councilor Alania, Councilor Clarrete, Councilor Velia, Councilor Liora, Councilor Ramira, Councilor Darek, Councilor Zarina, and our newest member, Councilor Sophie.

As the neverseen declared Keefe Scencen has sadly passed away we will hold a planting for him, in three days at the wanderling woods.

As Sophie was handing it to Grady another smaller envelope fell out the front of the envelope said:

Don't worry you have the only copy of this.

Sophie tore it open as Edaline leaned over his shoulder to read the council's letter with him. Her letter said:

Dear lady marshmallow hands,

Ha I regret starting that way but my mom gave me only one piece of paper so.. Anyway I hope you are doing good and NOT thinking about revenge. I have a couple of things to say:

1. This is my swan song and you can't say it's not cause Foster were both smarter than that and I accept my fate because... well if we are being completely honest I'm doing this for you.

2. You are my whole world Sophie and I love you too much to EVER let my mom even think about hurting you and I don't want you to get revenge. I made my choice please make yours the SMART one not the "Keefe" one okay?

3.i hope that my mom breaks when the inevitable happens, and PLEASE MOVE ON sophie okay that is not optional I feel bad for saying this (and i'm not joking when I say it) but we both know that you are in love with me well maybe you don't know because you are you, but please move on i'm not worth it okay? and I love you and your little laugh and I love how you don't know how beautiful you are and how you could be sooooo annoying (like Stina) and brag all the time about how powerful you are but you don't it even makes me a bit mad that you beat yourself up BECAUSE you aren't powerful enough well you are Foster you could—————— if you really tried to. I want you to know that I will not be mad when not if when you move on because i'll be with the Forkle but I just want you to be happy okay and you can't do that if you're still sad about me okay get over me okay im not trying to be rude or anything but just forget about me okay?

your Lord Hunkyhair

Hot tears ran down her face as she read it over again and clutched it to her chest.He knew! How did he know what was to become of him?

"Are you okay sweetie?"

"yeah." she said and Edaline didn't see her tears because Ro her and Grady were busy reading the letter the council had sent her

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