Chapter 24:

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=Our school JUST unbanned Wattpad so sorry if you were sad about me/bestie not updating=

=Also comment if you would like to see something and i'll try to add it :)=

Have a good day/ night/ afternoon/ Christmas/ Hanukkah/ whatever!!!😁

     Sophie carried a gooey cake up the stairs with Keefe behind her carrying one right next to her his hand toying with some of her hair that was down, making her stop and raise an eyebrow at him.

He grinned,"Oh sorry Foster." He moved closer, his lips brushing against hers she tried to protest and then moved forward pulling him behind her upstairs into the living room where everyone was waiting around a game with several weirdly shaped objects and a board that seemed oddly familiar...

"You guys are playing monopoly without ME!" Sophie demanded to know, narrowing her eyes at them and Linh smiled, "No we are just setting up and I of course am going to be the cat-" She grabbed it before Marella could, "Well I'm the hat!" Keefe exclaimed, grabbing Sophie's hand and pulling her forward, grabbing it before she could.

Sophie pulled him down to sit next to her leaning forward to finish setting it up when a question occurred, "How did you guys get this?" She asked turning towards Dex, "Well Oarlie dropped it off while you were in the kitchen and she mumbled something about 'Another favor' that she wanted to give because she owed you something." He said, glancing at her like she might tell him.

"Well I'm the banker." Tam announced, sliding out of the pool of shadows in the corner, "Fine Tammy-boi." Keefe grumbled but smiled down at Sophie when she leaned against him, putting her head in the nook of his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around her.

Everyone else chose pieces, Sophie grabbed the T-rex before anyone else could and Marella grabbed the dog to please Linh, while Biana grabbed the duck, and Dex grabbed the car, meanwhile Tam grabbed the boot and they started the game content with it so far.

The peace didn't last long...

"Foster how COULD you!" Keefe accused Sophie with fake tears in his eyes, "Sorry Keefe it had to be done." Sophie said, grabbing five hundred dollars from him.

He sighed, "Nothing can ever repay this Foster... except maybe a kiss." Sophie shoved him away jokingly and he smiled and kissed her. She went still painfully aware of everyone in the room including Sandor.

He pulled away and winced, "Sorry Sophie." There was awkward silence until Sophie shook her head and decided she was done with caring if people judged her or not caring about anything except for the broken hurting boy in front of her who loved her.

She leaned in and gave him a small but affectionate kiss,"Sorry." She whispered, staring at the floor until she cleared her throat and they started playing again. Long story short there was a kit of treachery, betrayal and a LOT of whing from Keefe about how he was too handsome to go to jail and how Tam was cheating by stealing money and one of the only times he was paid by Sophie for landing on his property she found out he increased the price, "Hey!" She protested.

You've been cheating this whole time haven't you. And I bet it was you who stole the money not Tam. I was wondering where that extra hundred came from. She transmitted folding her arms across her chest, her eyes narrowed but her mouth tilting up slightly.

Wow you caught me Foster, but you won't tell anyone will you? He transmitted back raising an eyebrow, a small smile playing on his face, And why won't I tell anyone Keefe? She asked, a bit of confusion flashing across her face.

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