chapter: 8

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Sophie sank to the ground sobbing and curled into a Sophie-ball the letter clutched in her hand and when Sandor pulled it out of her grip it tore the blank space on the bottom of it.

Sandor read the letter and let out a curse, Grady snatched it from his head with Edaline peering over his shoulder; they sank down next to her and she leaned into their arms.

This explains why I couldn't reach him.

Grady let go and hailed what seemed like several people. Sophie heard murmurs and looked up the council was there along with team valiant and the rest of her friends with their bodyguards and parents they took one look at her on the ground and rushed over.

"What did the letter say?" Several of her friends asked at the same time.

Elwin rushed over to her and put his funny spectacles on and flashed light around her head, " I don't see anything except signs of shock. At least physically. But I'm not a telepath so I can't find out mentally."

"What about me?" Fitz asked, "I'm a telepath."

Sophie shook her head no so fast her neck got a cramp.

"Why not?" Fitz questioned.

"BECAUSE." Sophie roared and started crying again.

"Miss Foster, may I check for mental damage?" Mr. Forkle said, rubbing his temple. "Because it's either me or young Mr. Vacker."

Fitz stepped forward just as Sophie said, "okay Mr. Forkle you can do it."

Dex had to muffle his laughter as Fitz demanded to know, "WHY!"


"Did I do something wrong?" Fitz asked, transmitting to her

"No, it's something Mr. Forkle needs to hear first."

"Okay Miss Foster are you ready?" Mr Forkle said, and Sophie could feel his curiosity wafting from him. No she could ALMOST feel it she corrected. Just she could almost feel the sadness and shame coming from Grady because of the way he treated Keefe, just like she could ALMOST feel the sympathy from Edaline from when she lost Jolie suddenly, just like she could ALMOST feel the anger coming from Fitz that she wouldn't let him hear what she had to say first.

Grady went over and talked to the council and then they leaped away and Edaline pulled away the other parents and talked to them. There were a few concerned glances at their children but they leaped away eventually.

"What was that about?" Dex asked.

"I think Sophie will tell you once Mr Forkle is done." Grady said, reminding her while dragging Edaline inside. Sandor pulled the goblins and calla aside and told them.

"Okay, I'm in" Mr Forkle transmitted, making her jump. "I don't see any damage. Can you tell me what was on the note?"

Sophie showed him her memory and he enfolded her in a hug.

"Please tell me you aren't thinking about revenge." Mr. Forkle begged her.

"No, not yet." Was all she could promise.

"Okay I think we've all been VERY patient can you PLEASE tell us what was in the letter?" Stina asked, and several of her friends agreed though most of them looked pained to do it like they didn't want to but she had a valid point.

"Okay," she managed to choke out, wrapping her arms around herself, and said "k-Keefe is d-dead."

Her friends took it differently: Fitz look shook and angry(as expected), Biana and Marella started crying and clung to each other, Marcua ran to Wylie and hugged him tightly, Stina just stood there in shock, and Dex he started crying and saying "if i'd been there I might've been able to help him."

Elwin went around checking people and everyone except Wylie really had shock which made sense because he didn't really know Keefe.

Keefe... he was never going to randomly show up when I'm feeling sad. He's never going to tease me mercilessly. He's never going to make my heart happy and fluttery. He's never coming back. He said he'd do anything for me. Well not this even Keefe can't come back to life he can't come back for me anymore.

The strong pretense she put on in front of her friends crumbled as soon as they and Mr Forkle left.

She walked into the main room and found Grady and Edaline on one of the giant chairs then she saw Grady muttering into his hands, "why was I so mean to him? He meant so MUCH to Sophie. What will she do without him?"

"Become a Councilor ." Sophie said from her place in the doorway, walking over to sit on the giant chair.

"Are you sure, kiddo? You know that means giving up your congate and your normal life along with your -sigh- boyfriend." Grady asked standing up to pace the room.

" First, I don't have a boyfriend, and second, I don't have a "normal life"." Sophie reminded him, "and yes I know what it means and I still accept that position."

"I'll hail the council and tell them you've accepted." Edaline told her, and left the room.

"Fine, I'll give it to you that you don't have a normal life but what about your congatom and your "dating life" ?" He said making a point.

"Well I don't want a congate now and the only person I would like to date is now DEAD!" She burst out.

" I... were you and Keefe?"

"No, that's the point the day before he got kidnapped about five minutes before the congate inquisition Keefe and we kissed and it was wonderful, then we found the star-stone and everything went downhill from there."

"I... WAIT you and THAT BO- Keefe KISSED!"

"I-I kinda walked right into that one didn't I?"

Grady raised an eyebrow.

"Yessss, we did, but now it's over,and one of the only reasons I wanted to become a Councilor is because Fitz would probably want to get back together."

"I'm sorry." Grady whispered sitting next to her on the couch.

"It's funny how hard life can get sometimes huh." Sophie asked him, just as a knock on the door interrupted his reply.

"Hello, Grady," an emissary said,"the council wanted us to deliver these scrolls and not open them until 15 minutes?"

"thanks." Grady replied. He took the scroll and held it in his hands just as Edaline returned.

"Let's go outside." She suggested." And she led the way to the panakes tree where the devastating news was earlier revealed.

Sophie's stomach started growling after about 10 minutes and Edaline snapped her fingers and conjured up a plate of Carmel and chocolate flavored ripple-ruffs.

"Mmmmm," Sophie said, savoring the sweet treat, just as something burst out of the ground in front of them.

= I LOVE chocolate and caramel together! And It would be about 5:45 in that scene in my opinion!=

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