Chapter 30 (countinued)

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Sophie awoke in a cold sweat. I'm alive and I'm okay "Keefe?" She whispered, reaching out to touch his arm that was trembling.

He bolted up, "NO Foster!" He was panting heavily, "Shh, Keefe it's okay, you're safe, it's okay. I'm here." She grabbed his hand as he burrowed his head in her shoulder. She felt his tears fall into her shoulder wetting her shirt, "I love you Foster." He whispered into her shirt.

She let out a small laugh, "I know you do Keefe." She smiled, pressing her lips to his head.

He sighed, "Yeah."

"I love you too Keefe, so much." He smirked up at her, "I know." He whispered, "Come on, let's go back to sleep." He held her against his chest. "Good night Foster I love you." She smiled, "Good night Keefe I love you too."

Sophie layed down and slowly drifted off to sleep, and her dreams were, once again, peaceful.

She woke up to a knock on the door, "I'll get it." Keefe told her as she sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. He was sitting in a chair playing with Iggy.

"Thanks," She muttered and laid back down spreading her arms wide as Keefe set Iggy down on the chair and he stood up.

Iggy fluttered over to her, and nuzzled his head in her hands. "Hi, Iggy." she mumbled sitting up and cuddling him.

He gave a toxic burp, "Umpgh, enough Imp cuddling time." She set him down and he gave a squeak then fluttered over to his cage.

"Sophie?" Grady asked, as Keefe opened the door partially, "Why did Sandor and Ro hail us? Is everything oka-" He stopped when he saw Keefe.

"Well obviously everything's not okay if That Boy is here." Keefe sighed and stepped back.

Ro snickered, "Grady dear you know what I told you." Edaline said, smiling at Keefe as she made her way into Sophie's room.

"Umm... I'm confused, why are your parents here Foster?" Keefe asked and Ro snickered some more. "Ro, what did you do?" Keefe rounded on his bodyguard.

"Yes, Ro, please tell me what did you do?" Sophie asked, a mischievous twinkle in her eye, "Foster." Keefe turned to her his eyes narrowing but a smile twitched in the corners of his mouth.

"Keefe, dear, Ro and Sandor hailed, telling us to come over and invite you to lunch." Edaline laughed as Grady groaned and rubbed his forehead, "Ugh don't remind me."

Keefe laughed as he turned around to look at him, "Wow Grady-o you aren't ecstatic to see me?"

Grady growled, stepped forward, closed the door behind him, and leaned against the wall with a scowl etched on his face.

"No. Especially not when you're hanging in my daughter's bedroom and everyone else is gone out of her house, not to mention according to Biana you both slept in here all night."

"Dad!" Sophie exclaimed, "Um, no, and we went down to the kitchen, Tam can vouch for us!"

"-And it doesn't help that you're only half dressed." He added glaring at Keefe.

"Dude, I'm dressed, it's fine." He gestured to himself, he was dressed in black pants.

Ro, Sandor, Flori, and Edaline all snickered, as Keefe and Grady started each other down. Keefe didn't blink.

"Whatever, just- I don't know, get a shirt on or something and if you want then you can accompany my daughter to our house for lunch." Grady grumbled and gestured towards the closet.

Keefe sighed, walked over, and rummaged through it for a couple of minutes then came out with a black tunic, shoes and cape on to match his pants.

"Well Foster, can I 'accompany' you to your parents house for a delectable lunch?" Keefe asked in an angelic voice.

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