chapter: 15

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 As they glittered into view, what looked like a blizzard with an angry face flew over and it yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING IT'S A HALCYON-ING SCHOOL DAY Dex! WHY ARE YOU HERE AND WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND AND YOUR FRIENDS! WHY AREN'T YOU IN SESSIONS I AM GOING TO HAIL YOUR PARENTS RIGHT NOW I-"

" Hello Juline! It's nice to see you again. It's been a couple of days. We decided to drop by and erm... um ask if we can stay here for the night because Lady Gisela wants to "return someone" and uh we thought it might be best if we don't stay there in the healing center where she was wanting to meet Elwin. "

"... Sure? Um.. WHO exactly did she say she would "RETURN"? " her face dissolving into her normal features with puddles of ice water at her feet," because I am EXTREMELY concerned about their well-being. And your well-being as well. You need an emotional support stuffed animal and I have just the thing!" she said walking away.

"What do you think she is going to come back with?" Dex asked after a minute or two passed,"who knows." Biana asked as he hugged her after asking "are you okay?".

They didn't have to wait long, she came back about a minute after Sophie thought of teleporting to Havenfield to get Ella or Mrs stinkbottom ,"here it is and you can keep it if you want." she said handing the box (that she unsuccessfully tried to hide behind her back) to Sophie it was tied with a light purple ribbon,"why did you put it in a box and wrap it?"

Juline struggled to bite down a laugh,"Well we got it for Bex when we got Harry the Jackalope but she said it was 'creepy' and refused it and made us wrap it up." they all had to hold back laughs too.

Sophie smiled as she unwrapped it but then her smile faded as she stared at it,"what's wrong honey?" Juline asked.

"Nothing!" sophie said a little too fast while shaking her head and smiling at her," I love it I-" she got choked up as she looked at it fighting back flashbacks but then she remembered something that made her drop the box curl up on the ground and hug the stuffed animal so tightly that she worried the stuffing would be permanently misshapen.

+end of chapter 13 "Well my little...Tomple as she called you, how are you?" muffled screaming followed by a shake of a head then a loud yell in a familiar voice that made her heart flutter "WHAT DID YOU DO TO SOPHIE! I WILL MAKE YOU WISH I WASN'T BORN!" she heard lady Gisela say,"Oh, HA Keefe I already wish that!"

"Yeah well mommy dearest I wish that too at most times I see you." He whispered then she heard a curse then lady Gisela shouted," she is **** still in the light! " Then Sophie fully leaped away. +

" Sophie? SOPHIE!" She heard a voice yelling and opened her eyes, "I gave you a TOMPLE stuffed animal! HOW DO YOU PASS OUT FOR 10 MINUTES? " Juline yelled.

" Only Sophie could. " A voice that Sophie hated said laughing a bit.

"Shut up Fitz." Sophie said, rolling her eyes and taking deep breaths,trying to keep her temper but it didn't work when Fitz said to Juline,"you should've given her a Gulon to memorate Keefe."

"FITZ, STOP TRYING TO MAKE FUN OF Keefe!" Sophie yelled, taking shaky breaths trying not to cry but a few small tears fell down her face and fell on her soft brown boots that mysteriously looked like the human boots uggs but those are UGLY shoes she thought smiling slightly,STOP THINKING ABOUT HUMAN STUFF! She chidded herself.

"Why? He's dead." Fitz said, his mouth twitching. Does he think this is funny? Sophie was taken aback by his lack of feelings.

"Well what if I told you he WASN'T dead and that his mom decided to take a knife to me in front of him then talk to him like I hated him?"

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