Chapter 20:

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Someone cleared their throat a second later and Keefe slowly pulled away, still staring at her and Sophie slowly looked toward the source of the sound.

Then she let out a relieved breath,"Okay,good it's just you guys."

"Just, 'us'? Wow, that makes me feel good." Dex said, laughing,"You guys shouldn't make out in such an open spot!" Biana added, giggling.

Sophie blushed and Keefe looked a tiny bit embarrassed and he turned toward her,"Sorry Foster that was a dumb idea."

Sophie gave him a gentle kiss on his forehead, "It's okay Keefe."

"Should we get going," Biana asked, looking at them with a smile of happiness on her face,"Sure."Dex and Sophie replied.

They all looked at Keefe and he flashed them a smirk, "Okay we will see..." He said, trailing off mysteriously,"Umm...Okay?" Sophie said, glancing at him she rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Come on!" He said, Laughing and dragging her forward and Sophie glanced back and saw Biana doing the same to Dex and she had to laugh.

"Okay so is ANYONE going to tell me where we're going?" Sophie asked, looking around, "You'll know soon! " Keefe said with a sing- song voice, "Fine i'll SUFFER!" Sophie said, through a sigh.

About five minutes later Keefe (reluctantly) let go of Sophie's arm and they went into the restaurant before she saw the name of it and Keefe was talking to the receptionist, "Hello, reservation for Sencen."

Then the receptionist led them to a table secluded in a corner with no one nearby before quickly glancing at Sophie, perhaps realizing that she was a COUNCILOR and couldn't go on a double DATE!

"I have heard of this restaurant!" Biana exclaimed, opening a menu,"Oooh they have mallowmelt!" Dex added, looking over her shoulder at the menu.

Sophie scanned the menu but decided she wanted breakfast so she flipped it over and smiled.

Keefe leaned over her shoulder, "I don't care what you eat but... can you get fizzleberry wine? Pleaseeeee. " He groaned when she started to shake her head.

"Fine Keefe BUT I am only going to drink a BIT of it."

He leaned over and whispered,"You're no fun!" Making her laugh and he smirked satisfiedly.

She was talking to Biana and Dex about their last date (something about stars and a rose) when their waiter arrived,"Hello, is everyone ready to order?" She asked, glancing at Keefe. She looked about 19 and it seemed she knew Keefe and fancied him.

"Oh, hello Xylene, how are you?" Keefe asked, "O-oh i'm okay." Xylene stuttered and Sophie felt a twinge of jealousy. Keefe grabbed Sophie's hand under the table and started rubbing his thumb against it reassuring her that it was her she wanted.

Carefully enough so no one would notice of course.

"Well what would you all like?" She asked, flashing Keefe a quick flirty wink that she knew he noticed it but ignored judging from her emotions plummeting.

"Well I would like to order mallowmelt with cinnacreame please!" Dex exclaimed, making Biana and Sophie laugh," I'll have some too please with lushberry juice." Biana said.

"I would like whatever Foster is having." Keefe said, nodding his head at Sophie," Really Keefe? Anyway can I please have..." Sophie bit her lip and looked at the menu half tempted to not get it to tease Keefe. Sophie decided to be nice, "Can I please have Mliangel and... a cup of fizzleberry wine?" She added through a sigh and Biana looked surprised,Keefe told me I should get it but JUST this time. She transmitted to her and Dex.

Keefe's voice filled her head as Xylene left to get their food and drinks. Foster I expect a kiss for setting this up... or maybe more than that...


Don't you mean 'Keefe Foster'! Also...I hope someday that could be real... Keefe said, and she SO badly wanted to kiss him and tell him how much she desired that to be real someday too.

But of course they were at a restaurant and Keefe must've felt her emotions shift because he raised an eyebrow and nodded his head toward the door.

You want to go outside?

No, i-i'm okay.

Keefe squeezed her hand tighter just as Xylene Appeared with their food and drinks.

No you're not Foster I love you so I know you're not okay and I love how you try to act like you are. You hide everything away from everyone to spare THEIR emotions. Foster, tell me how YOU are feeling?

Later okay?

What are we doing later? Keefe asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking when she blushed.

"-And the two Mliangel with fizzleberry wine." Xylene said, glaring at Sophie setting down Keefe's food and drink a bit slower than necessary. Meanwhile she sat Sophie's down and whisper-hissed, "You're a councilor let him go before you break his heart! "

"Well I love her and I don't care anymore. Leave her alone." Keefe whispered glaring at Xylene,        "What? She is a councilor!"

"I know and I. Don't. Care!" Keefe barely could conceal the anger in his voice, "Keefe stop it's fine." Sophie said trying to make him stop it was fine she didn't care what others thought of her anymore.

Keefe gently kissed her,"Keefe, stop." Sophie said, trying not to hurt him.

Why Foster, I love you and I don't care what people think of us.

Neither do I but... it... it feels like we're like... flaunting it in her face.

I'm sorry Foster I.. I won't kiss you again.

KEEFE what did I do?... Why won't you kiss me anymore?

Nothing. I thought you didn't want to kiss me.

Keefe I love you I will always want to kiss you.

The Waiter walked away with a sad look on her face and they all began to eat Sophie ate most of her food before she was full and reluctantly sipped her wine slowly it tasted like cranberry blueberry and citrus maybe orange?, "See Foster, isn't it good?" Keefe asked, noticing her furrowed brow, "How did you know what it tasted like?" Sophie wondered.

"What happens at level three midterm party STAYS at level three midterm party!" Keefe exclaimed, making Sophie glance at Biana and she wished she hadn't.

It looked like 'the Lady and the Tramp' without the noodle. Sophie and Keefe got up and left their payment with the receptionist as they were walking out the door and they were at her doorstep when Sophie's head felt foggy and she dimly thought, The wine.

Keefe glanced at Sophie with sad eyes then he let out a cure in Orge-ish and tore his hands through his hair letting out a frustrated sigh he then just stared at the ground.

"Keefe are you okay?"

"No it's just it's SO hard not to want to kiss you EVERY SINGLE FRICKIN' TIME we are together.

And Sophie blamed the wine for what happened.

She stepped forward and pinned him against the wall, "Well we're not outside anymore you can."

"I can do what?"

"Anything I guess." Sophie then fell into his arms and blacked out.

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