Chapter 28

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So Foster I know a way to make sure they know we're here but they won't know that we were here BEFORE th- He cut himself off and pointed behind her. She slowly turned around and was about to say hello to Wylie and Tam before she heard their conversation.

"So Uh- yeah thanks for answering your Imparter Wylie." Tam stammered and blushed... Wait... WHAT Tam's Blushing! FROM BEING BY WYLIE!

"Uh yeah..." Wylie stared at the floor but he seemed to be blushing too, "I mean how could I say no to you... about bringing you a dessert I-I mean."

The conversation fizzled into awkward silence and embarrassed glances until Tam suddenly leaned forward and gave him a small kiss on the lips. Wylie looked very surprised but he melted into the kiss. So uh Foster don't get mad at me but...

He gently pushed her against the wall, Keefe? What are yo- He kissed her and she felt a warm spark surge through her, "Why- are- you- like- this?" She asked him in a ragged breath in between kisses.

"Come- on- you- like- it. You've- got- to- admit- it." He muttered into her ear, "I never said I didn't." She whispered, and she heard a sound behind Keefe but stayed locked into his beautiful eyes.

Wait Foster. He transmitted. Pretend you just noticed Wylie and Bangs Boi. "Uhh-um h-hi T-Tam a-and W-Wylie." She stammered.

Keefe snorted, "Um how about we keep all of this um STUFF between the four of us?" Tam suggested, "Uh yeah definitely." Sophie and Wylie said at the same time.

They looked at Keefe and he sighed, "Fine, but only for Foster it makes Bangs Boi blush which um... that's disturbing to see him happy."

Tam held out the box to Sophie, "Well um I got this plate of Butterblasts for you to repay Linh interrupting your sleep so um here you go."

"How about we all like... share it?" She suggested turning towards the kitchen again, "Uh sure." Tam replied walking forward through the door and Wylie shrugged following him.

"Really you had to be nice to Tam?" Keefe asked her, shaking his head in mock disapproval when she giggled.

"Sorry Keefe- now come on!" She pulled a reluctant Keefe into the kitchen. She divided the plate of Butterblasts evenly then gave Keefe's hand a soft smack when he tried to steal Tams Butterblasts,What are you three? She and he kissed her cheek before she grabbed her last Butterblast and went to put her plate in the sink. Now Foster if I was three then that would make you a- She threw her last Butterblast at him-

... Direct... HAIR SHOT!? "OH. MY. GOSH!" Tam cackled, wheezing as Keefe frantically tried to get the maple syrup-y goo out of his hair... But it was no use...The sticky syrup is permanent!... Keefe will have to shave his head!...

Just kidding! Ignore the Italics that was the joke!

... Direct... HAIR SHOT!? "OH. MY. GOSH!" Tam cackled, wheezing as Keefe frantically tried to get the maple syrup-y goo out of his hair... But it was no use, "Foster! I now have to shower at-" He cut himself off and tried to find his Imparter with Sophie giggling as the dough and syrup slowly fell off his hair and onto her pristine marble floor.

"Thanks Keefe you're mopping that up!" She snorted at the side- eye he gave her, while he continued patting his pockets trying to retrieve his Imparter she inched closer to the doorway but then his head snapped up like a Hawk and she thought she was caught until he held up his Imparter and looked at her with narrowed eyes (Though the side of his mouth was twitching like he wanted to smile), "- At 3: 50 in the morning with our dear, dear friends sleeping?" He raised an eyebrow and clucked his tongue in mock disapproval.

CC/N In case you don't know~ to express disapproval or other emotion by making a short, sharp sound with your tongue: to cluck in disapproval/amazement. Ex. She shakes her head, smiles, and clucks her tongue.

She sighed in fake defeat, "I know and I'm so sorry." She put a sarcastic spin on so and then he narrowed his eyes with a mischievous smile on his face, he began to walk towards her, "Well Foster to make sure you're fully sorry-" He lunged at her and smashed a piece of Mallowmelt into her hair (and part of her forehead)

"Keefe!" Sophie exclaimed, jumping back as he rubbed the Mallowmelt in, "What Foster mad at me?" His smug smirk as he phrased it as if he was innocent made her eyes narrow, "Nope, how dare you waste the precious Mallowmelt! Also... Good luck!" Keefe raised an eyebrow, "Good luck on wh-"

Sophie dashed up the stairs and ran to her bedroom's bathroom, locking the door behind her, "Ha! Go find another shower Keefe!" She heard a sigh, "Fine Foster but-" She heard an amused chuckle from the other side of the door, "Don't blame me if your bedroom is rearranged and... decorated!"

"KEEFE!" She shouted before she heard cackling and heard Keefe say, "Okay Ro you get started I'll be back." She could HEAR Ro's grin, "You got it HunkyHair I'm going to try and recruit Sandor."

Sandor let out a squeaky sigh, "The keyword there is TRY." Keefe's emotions shifted to excitement, "Good job Rohmilda, get Gigantor to join!" She could hear him dash out of the room before she heard Ro bellow, "OH YOU WANNA GO SCRAWNY BOY!?"

She heard soft footsteps coming to the bathroom door and she froze, "Come on Blondie you and I HAVE to team up now! I mean- he called me Rohmilda which deserves the death penalty in itself, and he is gonna mess up your room! Come on." She groaned, dragging out her sentence.

"Fine," Sophie sighed, "But first let me take a shower."

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