Chapter 25:

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  "Let's go upstairs and deliver the food." Sophie suggested, "Fine- But Foster-" Sophie looked at him as they headed out of the kitchen and towards the stairs, "Yeah Keefe?"

"We were playing monopoly for 3 hours. How about we grab the sleeping bags and just talk in a circle in the living room?" Keefe asked, raising his eyebrow while crossing his arms and leaning against the stairwell blocking her from going up it.

She stopped, set her stuff down as Keefe did the same and stared at him, "Fine Keefe but in my defense it takes a long time to finish a game of monopoly."

"Foster, you don't look that good. Are you doing okay-like are you sleeping well-" He flushed probably realizing what it sounded like he said, "Wait- wait I did NOT mean it that way Sophie I'm so so sorry like I-"

Sophie stepped forward and placed a hand in his arm ending his ranting, "Chill, it's okay Keefe, I know you didn't mean it that way. But you're adorable when you're going on and on so I had to let you suffer a bit. Sorry!"

He enfolded her in a sweet smelling and warm hug, "It's fine Foster." Keefe mummed into her hair, "But I was actually panicking for a second." Keefe's laugh was muffled by her hair.

Sophie laughed, "Yeah, again I'm sorry." She shimmied out of his grasp, "But I can't lie. You look so cute I just can't help but tease you."

"Hey, that's supposed to be my thing." Keefe protested, blocking the stairwell again.

She sighed, "Keefe, I- we need to go upstairs. Let me go up, come on." He stepped forward and wrapped his arms around her again while smirking, "But, that's no fun." He whispered, somehow sounding pouty.

"HURRY UP!" A voice (probably Ro) thundered from upstairs, "CHILL! ONE SECOND!" Keefe shouted back.

He sighed, and stared down at her, "They need to calm down and take a deep breath, enjoy life. I want to enjoy you."

His eyes widened as he flushed and stepped away, "Um-um I did NOT mean it to sound that way- that sounded WAY too wrong."

She tried to stifle a laugh, "I-I okay. Um..." She trailed off staring at the floor, "Um... yeah." He unblocked the doorway, "Um- here you go Foster."

She hugged him and rested her head on his chest and she felt his hands gently smoothing her hair down repeatedly. She sat there savoring the moment and moved her head so she was staring up at his face and noticed something strange, "Keefe why do you have a locket on?" She asked, studying the gold locket with strange runes she couldn't read.

Keefe's face broke into a sheen of sweat, "Um... no reason? Also, can you read it?" Sophie looked at him suspiciously, "What are you hiding?" She sighed, when he said nothing, just smiled sorry-like at her, "Sorry Foster, you know I love you but... you'll know someday... hopefully."

She sighed again and put her hand in his and pulled him up the stairs after they had grabbed the snacks. As they got to the top of the stairwell she heard Biana whispering in the doorway and Keefe froze while setting down his bowl and tried to shoo Sophie away with a panicked expression on his face.

She smiled at him, set down her bowl next to his and walked past him, "-e to her! So will you help me set it up, Dex?" She inched closer and Dex and Biana appeared in the doorway, "How do you know if she will accept th-" Dex was saying before Keefe stepped next to her.

Keefe blanched fear radiating off him. He pulled Sophie to him pressing his lips against hers and his hands around her waist. Sophie's hands found his neck silence buzzing in her head.

"Oh- sorry um- how much of that did you hear Sophie?" Biana asked, rushing forward visibly panicking, "I didn't hear what you said." Sophie said, twisting her head to look at them, "Keefe wouldn't let me." She added, turning her head back to him and gently removing his hands off her waist.

"Sophie I'm sorry but you can't know right now. Okay?" He asked, and she noted how he used her first name, how he was being serious. She sighed, "Okay Keefe. But WHY are you keeping it from me?"

He gave her a rueful smile, "I'm sorry Foster I can't tell you why- right now. But I'll tell you the question at your party, okay?" She let out a frustrated sigh, "Keefe." Keefe's emotions shifted to annoyance and pity and...

Sophie stepped back her face turning into a stony mask, grabbed both of the bowls stepped into the room and announced, "I'm tired so I'm going to go to bed you all can stay up but *yawn* I'm tired so good night." A chorus of good nights followed her out of the room as she ran up the stairs again.

She threw herself into the bed and buried her head in her pillow and tears ran down her face. She had not meant to make him mad and... he pitied Fitz now but he had been angry when he'd broken up with Sophie... but now he understood why he had... Sophie started crying again silently cursing Mr. Forkle for giving her the ability to sense emotions and understand why they were feeling that way.

She took a shaky breath and then went to her bathroom, changed into her pajamas and brushed her teeth. This is why I have trust issues... You think you know someone but then they start pitying your ex for everyone being mad at him for breaking up with you and crushing your heart so basically wanting to break up with you...

She shook her head and spit the toothpaste into the sink. Thoughts filled her head as she stared into her wooden mirror next to her bed Welp... I'm fine... I'm okay.... I will be okay... Someday...

She sank into her bed, her sobs muffled by layers of fluff, softness, and a silent plea to the universe.

=I hate this chapter but... sometimes you hat your writing and i'm sorry if my writing gets depressing i'm going through a tough time in my life but thank you for continuing to read this story and yeah!=

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