Chapter 27:

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A/N~ Thank you for reading I know my writing has definitely got a bit better... but thank you for continuing to read my story! If you have any questions, suggestions, or criticism please comment so I know!

Anyway... Back to the story... (Oh wait there is going to be an un-popular Tam ship next chapter bc I love making people hate me!)......

Regular pov:

Fractured voices floated through Sophie's consciousness and she moved an arm while slightly opening her eyes, "No go Biana before you wake up Foster-" Keefe hissed towards the door and Sophie closed her eyes drifting off again.

At least until she heard, "Dude but where's Tam?" Marella's voice sounded closer than the door, "How we supposed to know?" Sophie said, groggily sitting up, "Aw great she's awake. Do you know how long it took me to get her to sleep?" Keefe grumbled moving so she could lean against him.

"Well you were probably doing something with her that kept the both of you very busy." Biana said, barely suppressing a grin, "BIANA AMBERLY VACKER!" Sophie shouted but kept her voice low enough to ensure no one but the people in the room could hear her.

"Well what else am I supposed to assume?" She asked leaning against her doorway, "Literally ANYTHING else Biana." She sighed, shaking her head at Keefe and flopped back down to stare at her flowered, fairy light canopy.

*Her bed frame is made out of Redheart wood and the posts have some designs including: Vines, Roses, and pillars. Sophie's flowers on top are Amsonia(Ice blue flowers) with some Roses and Pink Lilies and Dimmetines, Hushspurs, Respitillis, and Vesperlace (The Flori flowers), Reveriebells (The Calla flowers) and (Of course) the fairy lights wrapped around the Redheart wood with the flowers on top.*

"Well we'll leave you two- alone." Biana emphasized 'alone', "Um... Why did you say it like that?" Sophie asked propping herself up on an elbow to look at Marella and Biana.

"Oh well we wanted to ask if you knew where Tam is but now-" Marella began as Biana finished, "-That you two are awake you probably want to have some 'Quality' time!"

"Biana!" Sophie exclaimed, Keefe grinned, "Well Foster if she keeps assuming things should we show her the actual thing?" Sophie's mind whirled. What does he mean? Keefe must've felt her confusion, "I'll just show you." He sat up and automatically she did too.

He leaned over and pressed his lips against hers, his hands finding their way to the middle of her back pulling her closer. She ran her hands through his hair Keefe Sencen you're enjoying this aren't you? She transmitted and his voice filled her head in response, Foster two things one. Why would I NOT enjoy this? And two. It's Keefe Foster- Fos! She laughed softly.

When they finally pulled away for a mandatory breath Biana narrowed her eyes at them but didn't say anything. Neither did Marella because she backed out of the room with Biana backing up into the doorway.

But Keefe did, "Foster that was AMAZING and all but-" He gave her a sad look and she was suddenly self-conscious, "But what? Like did I do something wrong?" He smirked at her, "Nope you just messed up the hair!" He ran a hand through it as if trying to revive his precious hair.

She snorted which was immediately followed by some embarrassed giggles with Keefe chuckling softly. When they finally stopped laughing he smiled at her, "You want to know something Foster?" She gave him a quizzical glance, "Um sure?"

He leaned closer causing her heart to switch to hummingbird mode, "You're pretty darn cute, innocent, and you don't give in to temptation-" He leaned closer his lips brushing her ear, "-and don't let ANYONE change that about you. Foster, they're some of my favorite things about you."

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