chapter: 11/12

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"I'm going to leave too bye!" Marrela said, "bye." Everyone called after her.

"Who did you kiss?" Linh asked.

Sophie ignored her.

"Okayyy..." Biana said, trying to break the awkward silence that followed."How About us girls give eachother makeovers?"

"NOOOOO," Sophie yelled appalled.

"Or we could talk about kis-" Biana began with a grin on her face.

"Okay makeovers it is."

They all squealed excitedly and dragged her to her closet and back Biana grabbed a bag from her stack.

50 minutes later (they took a LONG time deciding Sophie's dress) Sophie was dressed in a sleeveless red dress with a black bow.When they were done she looked in a mirror and let out a small breath. The dress was breathtaking even if it was a bit... short for her liking.

She came out and found Ro dying Iggy's fur evergreen with spots of ice blue, with Dex's hair already orange and dying Tam's hair pink. Edaline walked in and gasped softly," Wow."

"Do you like it? I mean Biana had a spree and decided to do this if you do-"

"No honey I love it, it looks so good. Biana you need to do that more and Ro I-I like Iggy's fur.."

"Thanks Edaline."

She started to leave and paused right outside the door frame,"Oh Tam and Dex I like your hair." She walked out.

Biana was staring at Tam and he was blushing,"I love you...r hair." she said trying to cover the fact that she just...

Everyone burst out laughing,"you should let me dye your hair." Tam said to the silence of everyone catching their breath. "Sure...?"

10 minutes later everyone was gathering in a circle and marveling at Biana's hair. It was an ombre soft pink into light blue into dark purple and it was SO pretty!

"Tam I didn't know that you could make such art." Linh said and then added,"when we were younger we used to do art and he-he used to do the worst paintings EVER!" She could barely talk because she was laughing too much and couldn't breathe.

"Well maybe Lord Hunkyhair could give him some lessons?" Ro said, then winced when she saw the pained expression on Sophie's face.

"Ah, sorry I keep forgetting."

"Let's go to sleep." Dex suggested.


Sophie squeezed into a tight light green dress with a matching darker green cape and her jade circlet to go meet the council at the wandering woods.

When she got there she saw the council but she also saw one of two of her least favorite empaths talking to the other one and the rest of the council.

"Thank you for doing this." Lord Cassius was saying, then he noticed her,"hello Councilor Sophie." he said stiffly bowing to her. One of the only good things about becoming a Councilor is having him be humiliated.

"Hello lord Cassius." Sophie said briefly nodding her head at him she was polite on the outside but on the inside she was raging when she looked at him and since he was an empath he knew it.

He raised an eyebrow and it made him look SO much like Keefe if he was so sad and angry and... and if he was still alive. She shook her head to clear it but the way Lord Cassius looked at her she knew that he felt her questionable feelings.

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