Chapter 31:

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=So this is like Sophie's diary for a while and yeah... there will be... ??? yeah idk hehe=

One month after:

The grief still consumes me... all my friends dead, my parents dead... I killed them, not by my hands but by hosting that party...Keefe's dead...

Two months after:

Oarlie visited, and we talked about nothing for a while, then she left and I read some of my old human books and went through my old scrapbook...

Three months after:

Amy visited and we made some gingerbread cookies, while she casually mentioned her boyfriend and I grilled her for details.

Four months after:

I have picked out clothes and room decorations, toys and other stuff... Bronte says in two months Silveny will have her baby, and Oarlie says that my child will be enrolled for Foxfire once they are born.

Five months after:

I have done nothing but research, and talked to Stina, Marcua, Councilor Wylie, and Councilor Marella who have replaced Emery and Alania.

Six months after:

Silveny had her baby today and all of us councilors looked at it with its gangly legs, small nub of a horn, and bright beautiful wings, "How about celestial?" I suggested and they stared at me, in the end we all agreed on it.

Seven months after:

Amy came over today and helped me so now I have names chosen. The sadness has lessened but what will I tell Melissa, Sencen-Foster or Keefe, Sencen-Foster? Why must my baby grow up without two parents?

Eight months after:

Elwin says any day now... Amy came over, and brought some human herbal tea. I prefer the peppermint of the apple cider.

One year after:

Melissa, Jolie, Sencen-Foster

Keefe, Kenric, Sencen-Foster

Eri, Calla, Sencen-Foster

Tam, William, Sencen-Foster

Dex, Grady, Sencen-Foster

The names I have chosen for my quintuplets.

Biana came over to see them the week after, and they loved her.

Two years after:

They have enjoyed playing with Celestial, Luna, Grayfall, Silveny, and Wynn. They have not asked yet why they have no father. Biana came over two weeks after their birthday.

Three years after:

They still have not asked, though Tam seems close to and it pains me to see how much Keefe looks like his father, from his tousled blond hair, ice-blue eyes, and knack for mischief. Biana came over two and a half weeks after their birthday.

Four years after:

They still have not asked, Tam shook it off and Keefe has begun to collect Prattles, Tam has a knack for reading and spends most of his time in a chair with a book, at just five. Biana couldn't make it to their birthday today.

Five years after:

Melissa has begun to steal my makeup and put it on herself making everyone laugh and her adorable little smile makes my heart melt so I got her a makeup kit of her own. Biana came over and helped Melissa.

Six years after:

Keefe has a sizable collection of Prattles, while Dex has taken to exploring behind the castle of a house and has started messing with his watch. Biana started crying and ran out of the room when Dex came in fiddling with his watch.

Seven years after:

Eri is in love with animals and she loves Princess Purryfins (as I have taken her in since Linh and Tam...)

Biana didn't visit for a month after their birthday.

Eight years after:

It's so hard keeping track of them and Marella comes over often now and they dote on her and call her, "Auntie Mare'' which despite her 'no nickname' rule she doesn't seem to mind. Biana was dubbed "Sparkly cousin" today.

Nine years after:

Tam finally asked, so I explained how some bad people interrupted a party and their dad fell off a bridge... and hit his head before succumbing to the current. They were all pretty quiet after that. But Keefe made me some peppermint herbal tea and brought it to me. Biana didn't come over until three months after their birthday.

Ten years after:

Melissa, Keefe, Eri, Tam, and Dex started Foxfire today, they looked so proud in their matching half capes, black uniforms and Gremlin pins.

I took them to Atlantis and they got to choose something, Keefe went straight to the art store and got some new paints and a canvas, Melissa went to the fashion store Biana and I went to so long ago... anyway she got a beautiful peach dress that sets off the ice blue flakes in her eyes. Tam went straight for the book section and chose a history book, Dex got some wire, and other stuff like that. Eri went to Claws, Wings, Horns, and Things and finally decided on a Banshee which she dubbed Durpe. Biana was crying and so excited.

Eleven years after:

Eri and Dex have succeeded in dying Durpe's fur dark red, which he seems to enjoy and it's textured with soft curls. I guess Dex is taking after... Dex. Biana came over and saw the Banshee then looked at Dex and burst out crying and ran out of the room.

Twelve years after:

Eri came home today curious, "Mom? How come people whisper when they see me about you and calling, something 'the scandalous Mom councilors'?" Oarlie and I had to explain that she is my mother. But Eri still looked confused. Biana has not visited this year.

Thirteen years after:

Nothing much has happened, except Dex, Keefe, and Tam came home and asked "Why did you name us after famous dead people?" So I explained very carefully "Well, Tam, honey, you see you're named after my friend Tam Dai Song who died a couple months before you were born. Dex dear you were named after my Bestfriend and cousin Dexter Alvin Dizznee, he was great with machines and alchemy like you are and he was the sweetest thing just like you... sadly he died with Tam Song... And... Keefe... You were named after my... my very good friend named Keefe Sencen... He- he died wi- with Tam Song a-and Dex Dizznee." This seemed to satisfy everyone except Keefe. Biana hasn't answered any of my hails... I'm worried.

I saw him. He sat beneath a tree, his blue eyes glowing in the sunset, the golden tones in his hair shining in the last light of the sun. In his hands, sat a sketchbook and a charcoal pencil my heart stopped. "Keefe?"

As if he heard me, he looked up. His lips drew up in the corners. They formed one word.


Somehow I could hear him now. His voice, so soothing, so...loving. "Everything's going to be okay, Foster." I ran away from the window, through the empty house, down to the tree. But when I stepped outside, inhaling the sweet scent, the leaves falling around me, I realized.

He wasn't there.

Of course he isn't. He's dead, just me hallucinating. My heart is raw. I mean after all, even if he was alive, which he isn't, it's been 13 years... I'm not sure I could forgive him.

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