chapter 16:

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Sophie woke up and went to the bathroom to get changed and as she was walking out saw Juline Edaline and Della standing by Biana and Dex they were cuddling each other (as they were asleep) and the mom's were still busy looking at the cuddling in front of them and whispering things to each other that they didn't notice her. She tiptoed closer and heard Juline speak, "Aww, aren't they so adorable together!"

" Yes they are though it is kinda sad that Sophie isn't in the room to watch this cuddle fest. But if she was here then it probably would remind her about herself and Keefe. I mean Keefe was obviously in love and I know for a fact the feeling was mutual." Edaline replied.

"But was it 110% certain that she was in love with Keefe?" Della asked, and Sophie strode up behind them and replied,"Yes I did definitely fall for Keefe Sencen."

"Oh-hi Sophie I-I didn't see you- good mor-" Della began," No. Don't try to sugarcoat it Della I know you wished that Fitz and I were a thing but we aren't. I don't like Fitz anymore. But I love Keefe and everything about him even...even if he is dead. But I used to like Fitz and I hope that he finds someone else who is perfect for him but I am not that person for him."

They were so focused on each other that they didn't realize that the others were all awake,"Sophie you okay?" Biana asked her making her jump.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" Sophie said, giving her a questioning look, "Because you're crying Soph. " Dex said, looking at her concernedly.

"Oh," Sophie said, wiping aggressively at her cheeks to wipe away the tears, "I-I'm fine."

"Okay,but mom, WHY would you doubt someone's ability to love? I mean Sophie- she must have the MOST hard time learning how to care about others then she fell for Fitz and then he broke her heart-" Biana began before Fitz tried to interrupt," I didn't break her heart I jus-"

"Fitz you kinda did break my heart but it's fine." Sophie stared at the floor in discomfort and Biana seemed to catch on,"ANYWAY as I was saying before I was RUDELY interrupted," Biana began before Fitz interrupted again with a,"HEY!"

"ANYWAY, after Fitz broke her heart," Biana began again as if he hadn't interrupted, "She was a broken soul and then she found a letter that filled some of the cracks in her broken heart and then they found Keefe, again some of the cracks mended in the heart of a broken girl-" Dex let a snicker escape before covering it up and his face contracted in concentration before he gave Sophie a weak smile so he wouldn't laugh and turned away," Then she realized what she felt and let her emotions out that ended with a fateful kiss." Biana said finishing her speech...

... and Sophie burst out laughing curling inward having to hold her stomach because it hurt too much to laugh and when she looked up she saw that Fitz, Dex and Edaline were laughing along with her and she managed to control herself as Biana asked,"Sophie what's so funny?"

"Where did you get that story because SOME of it was true and the other part of it was just... I can't even remember what I was feeling at the time and also the letter didn't tell me it was actually Ro." Sophie nodded her head toward the direction where Ro was animantly talking with the other body-guards and Sandor suddenly turned around, looked at Sophie and asked,"You kissed that boy without telling ME but you told the entire elven world?"

Dex burst out laughing and fell to the ground and the rest of them cracked up and were gasping for breath as Councilor Oarile and Bronte burst into the room beckoned to Sophie, "Sandor,Ro and Councilor Sophie come with us." Councilor Bronte said.

"Um..Okay?" Sophie said, walking after them as they walked to the door and exited the room,"well..Bye?" She said, giving a tiny wave.

"Where are we going?" Sophie asked jogging to catch up,"The Neverseen want to set up a meeting." Bronte said bluntly, grabbing her hand as they leaped...

... Into Eternila in front of the scene of eminence, "Um- The last time I tried that it didn't turn out so well." Sophie said, taking off her jacket and wiping the makeup off her face as she had insisted that Biana re-do it that morning before she had fallen back asleep.

They both turned around to face her and gasped,"Sophie E-Elwin didn't exaggerate, when he said you had scars." Oarile said,"Personally I thought he meant emotional or mental not actual- physical scars," Bronte said and Oarile turned and looked at him just a figure glittered into view and their swishing black cloak with a white eye on it told her all she needed to know but for some reason she told Sandor and Ro,"Don't attack-yet."

"Wow thank you for your assumptions that I came here to attack." Lady Gisela said dryly, stepping forward and throwing off her hood and shaking her head.

"Lady Gisela." Sophie said, spitting her name like it was poison,"Give me one good reason I should not just kill you here and now."

"Well for one- you never would see the prisoner again. Two- It would damage your sanity. Three, we did not come here to kill you."

"Well one- My sanity is so damaged Gisela that it wouldn't really do anything. Two- You kill someone, I kill someone and that someone I choose to kill is you. Three, I don't care."

"What about the prisoner?" Lady Gisela asked, throwing back her head and laughing when Sophie stiffend," What about him?"

"Well since you know I know that you remember I thought you would care but you obviously don't at all."

"Well maybe I implanted a memory into your head and you believed it?" Sophie said, raising an eyebrow lying through her teeth but Lady Gisela stiffened clearly believing it,"Well then pretty little bird you'll never see my little Prisoner again."

"Well maybe I don't c-care." She tried to counter but she stuttered at the thought of never seeing what he looked like or in a strange way hear him talk, or kiss him ag- she shut down that thought immediately but his kiss felt familiar and it felt AMAZING. SHUT UP! She told herself.

"Well what about that one moment?" Lady Gisela said, raising an eyebrow with a smug expression on her face.

"What 'moment' Sophie?" Bronte demanded to know and Oarlie had a shocked expression on her face though she tried to hide it, "Let's not bother her right now Councilor Bronte she's had a bad day and is continuing to have a bad one."

"Fine." Bronte said, walking into the seat of eminence and looking back,"Are you coming Councilor Sophie and Councilor Oarile?" 

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