chapter 3

183 2 7

=i made the meme uwu=

"Keefe!" Sophie yelled and rushed over to him.

"Keefe Keefe," she transmitted

"Please come back, why are you feeling guilty?"


A memory surfaced

She watched a memory of Keefe when he was about a level three from the look of it.

"WHY," his dad thundered over a cowering Keefe. "Why Must You Be Such A Disappointment."

Lord Cassius yelled not like a question, more like a statement. Kicking Keefe in the chest as he strode past him to rush to the door and making Keefe act like everything was okay because they had guests.

Anger pulsed through Sophie's veins as she watched "Keefe please come back if not for you or anyone else come back for me please Keefe."

"Always. I'll do anything for you, foster."

"Keefe you're alright!"

"I would never dream of doing anything without your permission." He said his mental voice somehow carried his smirk.

"Of course, you wouldn't," she said laughing.

"Hey... Foster I want to say something."

He opened his eyes looked straight into her eyes and whispered, "I love you Foster I always have."

"I. I ... Keefe."

He got up and stood beside her smirking and said "Speechless again?"

"I...I... yes."

"See I'm always right!" He boasted "It's the hair, right foster?"

"Keefe stop," Sophie said exasperated.

"Aw, you know you love me."

Sophie rolled her eyes but it

couldn't quite disguise her blush.

So she leaned in and whispered, "Yes Keefe I do."

He flashed her a smirk and though she could see the faint blush on his face she doubted anyone else could.

"Hmmm... I'm guessing something happened while I was gone." lady Gisela said.

"Yes, something did," Keefe said. "You've never known what it is because you don't care about anyone about yourself and my legacy, not me my legacy."

Sophie gently hugged him and then let go to show someone that she cared about him and would sacrifice her life for him.

"Wait– what?" Trix asked. "What was that about... project boobrie before Keefe collapsed?"

"I'm Sophie's biological sister," Eslayin said from her spot in the shadows where she sat forgotten.

Sophie pulled away from Keefe and moved a couple of steps away.

"Does that mean-." Sophie began.

"Yes, I know who... our dad is."

"No, I meant-".

"I know who OUR mom is too." She interrupted "You know our dad. I mean you've met him a bunch of times. Since he saves your life a lot."

A look of horror overcame Keefe's face "NO. NO." Keefe yelled, "he- he can't be I.. I...NO."

"Keefe is it... is it-'' Sophie couldn't even finish the sentence, Keefe didn't need to be a telepath to know how she was going to finish that sentence her emotions were enough all the disgust and fear radiating off of her. WHAT IF Keefe WAS HER BROTHER!!!

"No, it's not him... it's" he sighed

She reached out her consciousness and pushed into his mind.

"Keefe, who is it?"


" what- what Keefe."

"Wow... foster you don't care about me.... Fine... your biological father is... Elwin."

=In my opinion it makes the most sense

@No it's my opinion because my opinion is the only one that matters@

=so bestie... I commented Montana and you thought it was someone guessing?!?!?!?!=


=im SO confused bestie=

@The word count is 540

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