chapter 1/2

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"Who are you and where is that power source?" Lady Gisela demanded to know. "I know it's not you."

"Well, you'd be surprised what I can do 'Lady Gisela'".  Eslayin said.

  "WHY CAN'T I FEEL!" Keefe demanded to know." I mean I know what it feels like but I can't feel my emotions. I can't feel anyone but fosters emotions and I just got to say it feels like I'm in for a lecture later. Though she feels a bit.. fluttery?'' Keefe said, with a smirk and winked at her, trying to disguise his pain beneath the mask of the scared broken boy she had seen on a rare occasion like right now.

        "It's okay," Eslayin reassured him " I merely took your powers away temporarily because-"

= I may have given someone a new one...=

"WHAT," Marcua, Fitz, Keefe, Lady Gisela, and Marella shouted.

  "Then why can I read their thoughts?" Sophie asked, confused.

"Your project moonlark right?" Eslayin asked Sophie nervously.

@Wait really, I had no idea@

       "So I've been told," Sophie said.

  "Man, I love fosters snark." Keefe stage whispered.

"Interesting," Eslayin said, ignoring Keefe.

     "What is?" a painfully familiar voice asked from behind them.

Sophie, Fitz, Keefe, Marcua, and Marella whipped around to find 5 cloaked figures.

They had to restrain Fitz because the voice that spoke was... Alvar


"Ha, looks like my little brother still hasn't learned some restraint," Alvar said coldly murderous intentions in his eyes

+book 7:  at the beginning of the battle of everglen: Fitz threatening to kill Alvar, almost coming dangerously close to it twice. Then at the end of the battle at everglen Fitz stopped pressing buttons as he watched the incubator tube that Alvar was trapped in. It filled up with boiling liquid and Fitz left him for what he thought was dead.+

It seems Alvar wanted to return the favor to his little brother.

=yay murder=

  A cloaked figure stepped forward from the cluster, pulled down the hood of his cloak, and made a flicker of fire appear in his hand while he said, "Marella you were a good student let me teach you more."

"Never Fintan," Marella said, spitting the name like it was poison.

   "How did you escape?" Sophie calmly asked even though her brain was running through dozens upon dozens of scenarios.

" with a little help from your bes- I mean our technopath."

"My what?" Sophie asked.

  "Yeah, I'm the best. As In her favorite." Amy's voice said behind her.

"What the—AMY!!"Sophie shouted. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE!!!"

   "Mmm, about 30 seconds. "Amy said laughing at the expression on Sophie's face

*I have no idea how Amy got here and after this chapter, she kind of disappeared*

"Umm, you're her human sister right?" Eslayin asked.

"Yes, why?"

    "Because I'm her biological sister and my code name is ... Project Boobrie," Eslayin said snapping her fingers, and immediately Sophie felt power fill her veins again, and given the relief she felt from everyone else she knew they did too.

=Umm... I think I accidentally made her an empath.=

@A new ability? CC who would have guessed?"@

    "Project Boobrie." Keefe managed to choke out before he burst out laughing and slumped to the ground.

=we are both brown heads=

@Quick edit, CC has brown hair and I have mutlicolored hair at the moment. Word count: 544

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