chapter 6/7

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When Sophie leaped to Eternila and met up with the rest of team valiant she saw a stage set up with Stina,Dex, Biana and Wylie on the bottom left corner.

"What's up, lady fos-boss?" Stina asked, flashing her a friendly smile.

"Nothin' much." Sophie said, smiling slightly.

If Keefe were here he would probably say "who brainwashed her?" and flash Sophie a smirk. Except Keefe is NOT here, she reminded herself.

Dex flashed a dimpled smile,"you sure you dont look like feisty foster more like sulky Sophie."

That made everyone except Sophie laugh.

"Aww lighten up Sophie." Biana said, nudging her.


Until Sophie snapped "No Keefe is gone, probably being tortured because it will "break me" and you guys are acting like he doesn't even exist!"

That made everyone's smile fade. "Sophie we do this, it's just our way of coping." Fitz said, from behind Sophie, making her jump.

"He's right." Stina said,"and you know how much it pains me to say that."

That did make Sophie laugh at least until the council glittered into view, and they scrambled into positions trying to look regal while trying not to stumble too much.

Or maybe that was just her.

"Hello," councilor Emery said with his booming voice, instantly silencing the little bit of chatter that had been happening.

"I know this is unusual so we are going to get right with it," councilor Terik said, limping a bit on his prosthetic leg.

"We have decided to appoint a new councilor." Councillor Oarlie said.

Uneasy murmurs followed this proclamation. The elves of the lost cities had to vote for a new councilor. Not in this case.

"Yes we realized that this is... unusual, but we realize this is a new time era." Bronte amended.

"Who is it?" Someone shouted it sounded familiar, maybe Kesler or Timken.

"Well we have to ask them." Councilor Alania said cheerfully.

As if on cue (which maybe they were) they turned toward team valiant.

"wait-!" they all began in unison.

"we would like... Sophie Foster to join the council."

"WHAT!" team valiant and most of the audience yelled.

"I-I WHAT?" Sophie yelled.

"We would like you to be a counselor. If you choose to accept it." councilor Darek said.

"LET ME INTERFERE." a voice yelled- a voice that filled Sophie with rage. Sophie stumbled back looking back and forth trying to find HER!

"Don't bother, I'm not here in person. You can thank our technopath for that. He designed a screen that can project my image very clever of him."

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!" Sophie yelled, angry, "you already took someone I care about." she finished whispering. Somehow lady gisela heard her.

"Hmm... I-I how did you know?"

"How did I know what?"

"I-I don't know ho-how to tell you i'll leave you a note at havenfield by the alicorns good-bye Sophie."


Sophie scrambled in the front door to Grady and Edaline who stayed home because Sandor kept talking about "Security risks" with all of them there.

"So what happened?" Grady asked.

"I heard there was a big commotion." Edaline added.

"Wait- how do you know that?" Sophie asked, "because weren't you here. Or were you?"

"No I wasn't. To answer your second question, and I never reveal my secrets."

"Alden hailed her and said something we couldn't understand about a new councilor static neverseen static note at Havenfield something alicorn." Grady told Sophie.

"Okay, I'll tell you what happened after I ask Miss Foster one thing." Sandor said, he turned and looked at her, "are you going to accept?"

"I- I don't know." Sophie said, " it depends what the note says."

Sandor let out a squeaky sigh, "that's not an answer."

"It is. It's just not one you want." Sophie said, smirking a bit when she saw the look on Sandor's face, "What?".

"That boy has affected you too much." Grady said through a sigh, then a yelp of pain as Edaline had pinched his arm. "Fine, but what about accepting something?"

Sandor glanced at Sophie, "After I take Miss Foster to her room." Sophie swore she heard him mutter, "And barricade her in." So Sophie said "I'd just escape." laughing when she saw the expression on his face when he realized she had heard Him.

"Come on."

"Okay but you know I'm going to go out in the morning and get the note."

Sandor let out a resigned squeak,"Yes, I do. Go to bed."

"Fine." She said, running upstairs to get ready for bed.

She tossed and turned all night not sleeping. It was really just half-awake half-asleep nightmares.

Thoughts swam through her head:

What is happening to Keefe?

What is the note about?

Where is Keefe?

Did Keefe like her anymore?

And she knew the last one was selfish but Keefe was what she mostly thought about, she tried to transmit to him but... she couldn't find his thoughts,she tried most of the night when she wasn't having nightmares or thinking.

When the sun came up and Grady and Edaline could be heard downstairs, she practically flew out of bed and put on a bland light blue and dark green tunic with gray pants with simple leather boots and put her hair on a low ponytail.

She almost fell down the stairs and flew out the door with Sandor, Grady and Edaline right behind her and ran to the alicorn's usual grazing spot by the panakes and spotted a letter tied with an ice blue ribbon.

She ran over to it and untied it with shaking hands she had to wait a second before her brain processed it :

Dear Sophie: I know you had a special friendship with my son and I'm sorry to tell you this way but, Fintan got angry at him while trying to... extract information and he.. he didn't survive the interrogation. I also know that he made some... questionable life choices, but he will be remembered and I feel the loss myself. I promise you I will not bother you for at least a week for I myself will be grieving. And I am sorry that we can not give you the body because... well you know Fintains ability and well...

I do hope you forgive me for I didn't mean for him to die and I have ... punished Fintan.

— Lady Gisela 

=word count-1054=

=haha not me w/ insomnia deciding to publish this at 10 pm!=

=Bestie comment your comments=

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