chapter 18/19:

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   As soon as she got home (as she was starting to think of it like) she collapsed into one of her couch-like chairs a little way into her living room.

She almost fell asleep when there was a knock on the door and Sandor said, "You have a visitor miss foster."

"Mm-let them in." She mumbled tiredly and she heard a door open and footsteps, but she was already almost asleep until she felt arms wrapped around her and Keefe whispered, "Hi Foster!"

"Keefe, what are you doing? " Sophie mumbled earning herself a small laugh that tickled her neck, "Wow you Aren't happy to see me? "

" Keefeeeee? " Sophie exclaimed sleepily when he bent down and picked her up bridal style," What? Oh, I figured you have almost no energy and I thought that it would be weird if Sandor did this." Sophie rolled her eyes but said nothing.

She laid her head on his shoulder as he carried her gently up the stairs into her bedroom and tucked her into bed.

"Good night, Foster." Keefe murmured, kissing her forehead and she grabbed his hand, "Please don't go Keefe. The nightmares come and they are SO bad."

"Don't worry Foster, I don't plan on going anywhere right now." He sat down on the edge of her bed tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and grabbed her other hand and gently brushed his lips against it.

His hand then trailed down her face and traced her jawline, "I love you Foster I hope you know that." Keefe said, leaning forward a little bit smiling, and his hands moved to her shoulders rubbing them and getting out her knots which resembled her worries. He chased them away.

She leaned against his arms and his soft murmurs helped her fall asleep and for the first time in several weeks she fell asleep peacefully.

When she woke up in the morning, she felt a soft breath on her ear and turned and looked up so slightly as not to wake the person up she saw Keefe and studied him and then she realized he did not have a tunic on, and her face turned red then she studied his peaceful face as he slept.

He's so cute when he's asleep. She thought smiling and gently moved him, so she didn't wake him and went to her bathroom grabbing an outfit to wear for the day and then went downstairs to get breakfast making some (of the sparkly periwinkle cucumber looking thing that she fried) for Keefe as well and was just about to eat when Keefe walked, "Good morning." He said, leaning down and giving her, a soft kiss and she grabbed a plate, handing it to him, "Oh, wow! Is this Mliangel (Mlie-a-En-Gal)? I haven't had this in a LONG time. My mom made this for me once when I got hurt playing Tackle-bramble with Fitz-y and Lady Sparkle-Ista. "

Silence followed until Sophie realized, "Dex told you?" And she groaned as he nodded.

After a second of silence, he grabbed her spoon and gently put it into her mouth and her eyes widened, "Wow!" She mumbled with her mouth full it tasted like bacon and cheesy scrambled eggs with buttery pastries. It was she decided about the third greatest food she had ever tasted (Mallowmelt being *of course* first and Dawning's second)

"Foster you're drooling!" Keefe exclaimed and Sophie pushed him away, her hands accidentally brushing his bare chest, "I am NOT!" She said, a bit crossly turning away to hide her blush,

"Keeeeep telling yourself that!" He said, nudging her with his elbow.

Sophie rolled her eyes, "Whatever." Keefe smirked and leaned in and whispered, "For the record you still look cute doing it."

As they finished breakfast, he winked at her and said, "I should go before Elwin notices I'm gone."

"Okay-" Sophie was saying through a sigh before Keefe pulled her against him tightly and kissed her deeply before letting go.

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