chapter 4/5

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=haha I published it before you haha loser=

=dramatic sorry about that but my writing is creative also I wanna kill Keefe but...=

@I can unpublish chapters CC@

=ooh and I'M not stupid your are because I'm in normal 7th grade math and your in pre-algibra but you still asked for my help=

@I asked for spelling help not math, so thats telling and it's telling that I have a 8th grade class but you don't yet you still claim that your smart and i'm dumb which it's quit the opposite@

@Quit being stupid@

@Also that is are hint for the part, so have fun guesing

"I –  I Keefe." she let out a small sob.  "How do you know?"

             "Let's just say I- I overheard the Forklenator and Elwin talking about it when I was trying to sneak in to see you during the great Fitzphie oozefest." He gently pulled her into a hug.

"You okay foster?" he whispered into her ear, giving her a gentle squeeze.

    "No, but I will be," Sophie replied untangling herself.

           "Anyone else confused right now?" Amy asked.

      "Take her away." Lady Gisela snapped

   Gethen grabbed her arm, snapped a nexus on it, and pushed her into a blue Pathfinder's light that he had pulled from his cloak pocket.

"AMY," Sophie yelled, stumbling forward toward the spot where she disappeared.

  "Oh you shouldn't be worried about her, she will be fine, you should be worried about you." Lady Gisela said, directing the threat to Sophie. "I am going to kidnap and torture you then eventually probably just kill you or..." she trailed off.

  "WAIT, take me instead." Keefe broke out.

          "that works," she said with a sadistic grin.

"NO, Keefe DON'T YOU DARE–," Sophie yelled desperately.

     "Sorry, foster." Keefe said, "But seriously don't try to come after me okay...I... I love you, foster, don't waste your time on me, I'm not worth it." he said, his voice breaking.

"Keefe you worth everything," Sophie whispered looking into his ice blue eyes that had tiny flecks of darker blue with her brown ones and feeling a flutter in her heart.

"You need to promise."

    " I. I promise."

           " Sophie, How many times do I have to tell you you can't lie to an empath?" he said with a sad smile. And with that, he ran forward and pulled his mom and the rest of the neverseen into a path of yellowish light, the light that led into the neutral territories.


   Sophie didn't react when  Sandor came up to her with Fitz Marella and Marcua and leaped them to Elwin's.

  She didn't say anything or react when Elwin asked ten million questions or forced her to guzzle a bajillion nasty tasting elixirs.

Even when Grady burst in with all of the councilors, her friends and their parents AND bodyguards, the councilors took a look at her and Bronte said "there is an appointment for team valiant in a week for in Eternila."   Then eventually all of her friends their parents and bodyguards leaped away except...

      "Sophie please tell me what happened.'' Grady begged her for the third time.

Sophie shook her head no violently.

           "Just nod if I'm right okay?"

Sophie just shrugged.

  Grady let out a sigh, tearing a hand through his messy hair and sitting on the edge of her cot with her. "Did that– boy have anything to do with this?"

Sophie started to shake her head yes but then changed it to no then she stopped, put her head in her hands and let out a frustrated sigh.

    "What did that boy do to you?" Grady said, spitting the name like it was poison.

Sophie looked up. "His name is Keefe and HE did nothing!" Sophie burst out not able to contain her annoyance at Grady for not realizing what a sweet caring loving boy he was.

       " FINE, who did something to you?"

   "Lady gisela." Sophie said and burrowed into a cocoon of shame, because this was her fault.

    If I hadn't let Keefe go... he probably would have snuck with them.

If I had fought harder for Keefe not to go with his mom... he probably would've accidentally made everything even worse.

"WHAT!" Grady shouted.

   "Okay time to go." Elwin said, saving her from having to answer.. Right now. "Right now she needs rest and no offense you're not making it easy. I'll send her home tomorrow." he turned to Sophie,"You have to have a slumber party here so I can be your therapist for the time being." 

I'm pretty sure Sophie has talked to Elwin about therapists once.

      "Okay." Sophie said anything to get rid of the interrogation.

  "Bye,kiddo.'' Grady said, "I'm sorry it's just that boy– sorry bye see you tomorrow."

"Bye gra– dad." Sophie corrected.

  Grady finally leaped away.

   "Do you want to talk about it?" Elwin asked, walking over to the shelf that had been re-built from one of her "accidents" during the shadow-y attack from the neverseen or the "foster foot energy triumph" as Keefe called it...

  Sophie shook her head no, but she still said  "I kinda want to smack him right now."

"Who, Grady?" Elwin questioned looking over his shoulder at her.

  "No Keefe."

     "Who doesn't every once in a while?" he said, turning back to grabbing more medicine. Sophie laughed a little and actually smiled a bit, but she felt her smile fade when he asked, "where is he by the way?" 

When she didn't reply he turned toward her and saw the tears in her brown eyes, and he rushed toward her hugging her.

"Gone." she managed to choke out before the tears seized her and she started uncontrollably sobbing.

  "Gone as in-."

"No. he went with the neverseen willingly because his mom made an empty threat to me." she said her sobs fading.

          "First of all, lady gisela can carry out most threats. Second, what was the threat?"

     Sophie scrunched up her brow in concentration, Keefe used to tease her about how cute she looked like that.. She shook her head to concentrate " I believe she said,  you should be worried about you.I am going to kidnap and torture you then eventually probably just kill you."

      Sandor let out some colorful words and looked around like he expected lady gisela to pop out of the ground.

             "How are you not worried?" Elwin said, "she can definitely deliver THAT threat, remember?"

  Sophie nodded and voiced a question that she had been scared to ask until now,"what is she going to do to him?"

   "I don't know, but if she's still as vain as before she will show us."

=ohhh.. wait that sounds like councilor Alania=

@Or you, but....@

@Word count 1123@

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