Chapter 26:

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=Okay so      merry Christmas/ happy Hanukkah/whatever else I missed     to you! And...  This chapter wasn't fully finished as you will tell from lack of story from the main Pov.... But I did it like how Shannon did it in the 8.5 same weird like 3rd/1st person from Sophie then switch to the same thing but Keefe- Well Keefe starts but anyway........ HAVE A AMAZING DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=

=Also go back to the picture when you get to the final 2 paragraphs. I'll remind you... or if you don't want to that's fine it will just make more sense.=


Keefe pov:

Keefe sat in a corner, silence pressing in his ears as people chattered, flirted, and were just happy in general around him while he internally cursed himself, How could I be so stupid? HOW! I didn't mean to pity Fitz... I mean I felt bad that I got so mad at him sure. But... I never was angered by Fo- I shouldn't call her that anymore...

Tears stung his eyes. I wasn't mad at Sophie, I was mad at myself for being a jerk to her... I can't stand being in here with bangs-boy without her... The look of absolute shock, pain, and grief on her face that matched her emotions... Do they not care or worry about Sophie? I mean anyone who's paying attention would know she was not okay.

He growled to himself through clenched teeth and walked out of the room. He trotted down the stairs. I have to apologize, I know. But first...

"Aha" He muttered to himself before setting the box of prattles into his pocket. He slowly treaded up the stairs, past the living room and up towards Sophie's room.

He stopped outside the door trying to ignore Sandor's death glare as he knocked on the door and he heard a muffled, "Come in."

He gently opened the door to see Foster- Sophie's back turned to him, "Hello what do y-" She turned around and her expression hardened into a stone mask.

"Sophie I-" He began stepping forward with his hands out in a gesture of surrender, "No Keefe I- no just get out."

"Sophie. Let me explain. PLEASE!" Keefe begged her Please give me one last chance... Even though I don't deserve it... Even though I don't deserve you... No one does Soph... He shook his head and Sophie tilted her head and just stared at him.

She finally sighed and stepped forward to close the door. But Keefe was pretty sure he saw tears in her eyes, "Are you okay Soph?" He asked, concern filling his voice, "I don't know you should know because I obviously don't know what people are feeling." It sounded like she was trying to sound bitter but her voice cracked.

Keefe was immediately worried, "Sophie okay, I wasn't angry at you, the anger was directed towards myself. I was angry because I was a jerk to you." Sophie took a step back, "Keefe, then why were you pitying Fitz for breaking up with me?" Her tone was almost accusational.

Keefe blinked and raised an eyebrow, "Sophie, I was pitying Fitz-" Keefe felt small and insignificant when he was saying Fitz's name, "Because I felt bad about how angry I got at him for breaking your heart." Sophie let out a small snicker unwillingly, making Keefe's lips curve into a small smile a glint of hope in his eyes.

It looked like she tried to stifle a smile but failed. It was a warm, apologetic smile that absolutely melted his heart. She raised an inquisitive eyebrow, "So... can you forgiv-" He was cut off by Sophie attacking him with a hug and her tears started to soak his tunic.

"I'll take that as a yes." He muttered into her hair. She said nothing just sobbed harder and he held her closer, her arms tightened around him. When she finally pulled away her eyes met his a glint of worry sparkling behind the gold flakes.

"But Keefe only if you forgive me for being so mad and falsely accusing you. And... only if you will promise me not to get angry at me over this?" Keefe laughed as she talked, "Really Fos-Sophie-" He began, "Keefe call me Foster m'kay?"

He smirked, "Okay Foster, you have nothing to fear, I'll do that, and I'll make you another promise to NEVER get angry at you for anything. And I'll never pity anyone for breaking up with you. I would never anyway."

She raised her eyebrow, "Keefe don't make promises you can't keep." He wrapped her in a hug, "I won't. Not to you. I'll keep any promise to you."

Sophie pov:

"Oh really?" Sophie asked amused watching the twinkling light reflect off of the dark blue flecks in his eyes, watching his smile as he looked at her, feeling his arms wrapped around her.

"What type of lights are those?" Keefe muttered into her head. Sophie pulled away excitedly, "Foster I want to hug you." Keefe protested.

She ignored him, "Okay, so umm... don't mention this to anyone but... I may or may not have... illegally teleported to the forbidden cities and got some 'Fairy lights' to put up around my flower canopy."

"That's cool. And Foster-" He leaned in to whisper, "Your secret's safe with me." She gave a small laugh, "Thanks."

She awoke to find her head on Keefe's chest and his arms wrapped around her, "Keefe, are you awake?"

He moved slightly and his eyes fluttered open, "Yeah, Foster?" He yawned, while propping himself groggily on one elbow, "What do you need, I mean it must be important if you're waking me up at-'' He twisted over her to read his Imparter, "- Three twenty-seven in the morning?"

"I think I heard someone outside the door-" She began, but Biana and Linh opened it slowly halfway, "Shh. We don't know if they're awake." Linh giggled as Biana stopped her from going in, "Or-" Biana said slowly smiling, "If they're even dressed-" Linh shoved her away, "GROSS!"

"Um- Both and also Biana Amberly Vacker!" Sophie exclaimed, "I mean half-way." Keefe added grinning at Sophie, who smacked his arm, "No, Keefe stop. Just shush the freak up."

"Well why are you here?" Keefe asked, still broadly grinning at Sophie, "Literally no reason at all we were just bored... But now I'm in the mood to plan something!" Linh said, with a wink.

"What you told her!" Keefe exclaimed, turning on Biana, "Had to sorry BYE!" Biana dragged Linh out the door with Keefe whisper/ shouting, "Biana NOT COOL. I said you could tell Dex!"

Sophie sighed, I probably won't fall asleep again. Keefe must've felt her emotions change, "Sleep Foster." He muttered running a finger down her arm making a pale lavender mist come into her head, "Not fair-" She yawned, "You need sleep too."

He laughed, "I'm fine Foster-" She started to protest, "Keefe-" But more lavender came into her head followed by... Is it light blue or rose red? She couldn't figure it out, it kept changing color.

"I can't sleep until I know you're asleep." Keefe whispered, laying down beside her and tilting his head so he was looking down on her, "Fine." She yawned.

Silence followed but not an uncomfortable silence, one with an unbroken stare, one with love, with... warmth. "Sleep-" Was the last thing she heard before the darkness of sleep engulfed Keefe's serene face. 

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