Chapter 22/23:

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"Um- Hello Councilor...Um I think we should talk about everything...and I think this answers most of our questions.''Councilor Emery said, pronouncing councilor as if she needed to be reminded.

"Um can we talk about this with me here...if you want Foster of course." Keefe added quickly, staring at the floor, "Of course Keefe you can stay because I need you here to help me answer the questions."

"Foster th-this is my fault-" Keefe began, "Keefe it's not your fault-"

"Yes it is Foster I was the one that told you to order Fizzleberry wine-"

"Keefe, I was the one who ordered it exactly. I made the choice to drink it and I did Keefe it wasn't a mistake... they aren't a mistake." She whispered her hand trailing to her stomach.

"I know Foster I know..." He trailed off looking at her and someone cleared their throat.

"Okay, Sophie can you tell us leading up to um... What happened."

Sophie sighed, "Okay, someone asked me to go to dinner with Biana and Dex and I agreed then we got there and I- we both ordered fizzleberry wine. We both drank and then since it was my first time I blacked out and the person got drunk and then... yeah..."

"Okay, so that is all okay, that is all." Oarile muttered and Sophie saw tears in her eyes.

"Councilor Oarile are you okay?" Terik asked, "Yes-No I will be-" Oarlie replied, staring at the floor, tears breaking up the marble style tiles on the dining room floor.

"Why are you crying?" Bronte said, walking over to her and handing her one of his handkerchiefs, "No reason." Was her only response.

Sophie walked over to her, grabbed one of her hands, and stared into her eyes, "They deserve to know it doesn't matter now-"

"Yes it does Sophie because I want to help you." she said, "It is past time for them to know though." Sophie said, making Oarile heave a sigh look straight past the rest of the council and say, "I'm Sophie's biological mother and i've been hiding it for the past 23 years."

The reactions of the Councilors were hilarious Bronte looked incredulous, Terik raised an eyebrow but said nothing, Emery gasped, Alania almost fainted, Clarrete was ranting in swedish about treason, Velia was wide eyed, Liora just shrugged, Ramira glared at Oarlie, Zarina stared at the floor possibly wondering about her life choices, Darek stared at Sophie and at Oarlie trying to find similarities.

Actually everyone was doing that.

Including her and Keefe.

Speaking of Keefe...

"What are you doing?" Councilor Alania barked at him. Keefe was trying to slide away to the door unnoticed, "Um- nothing totally not trying to run away and go bury my face in a pillow and scream!" He answered quickly.

"He's probably going to go get some Gulons to decorate your castle with." Sophie said wisely.

Alania narrowed her eyes at him, "I thought you had 'nothing to do with it!' and 'it was probably Stina!' or do you have something to say?"

"I'm not saying anything and I still stand by Stina was the one who masterminded it."

Sophie snorted."What Foster?" Keefe asked, (somehow) flashing an angelic smirk.

"We have some questions and we need you to answer truthfully and we'll know if you lie." Alania said with a pointed look at Oarile and she said nothing, just stared at the ground.

Emery stepped forward menacingly and cut off Keefe from any exits, "What were you doing that night?" He stepped forward getting in his face purposefully making me angry. She thought, taking a deep breath to control her anger. She was going to let it fuel her in the endgame not right now not right here.

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