Chapter 21:

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Fore-warning: This contains the mention of pregnancy but it doesn't say ANYTHING about...

 BTW Silveny is going to be a mom.

Sophie got up and gently slid out of bed then realized last night she and keefe...

NOPE, she couldn't think about it, couldn't talk about it because she couldn't even frickin' REMEMBER it!

She walked over to her closet and grabbed a pale neutral yellow shirt with dark purple leggings and a sapphire cape with slightly elevated shoes...

Why do I WANT to wear these?

She shrugged and went into the bathroom, got changed and quickly brushed her teeth because she didn't feel like eating currently. She did her hair in a quick pony and spritzed a bit of her panakes perfume on. Then she walked over to the small dresser that she had some"Keefe'' style clothes in because why not.

She picked out dark blue pants with a light yellow tunic and walked over to the bed and leaned against it,"Keefe!"She said in a singsong voice and she watched as he stirred,"Fosterrrrrr why wake me up at this ungodly hour? Did you not have a good night?" He asked her, opening his eyes and then realized,"OH MY GOD! Did we actually...?"

He seemed to get his answer from her expression,"I-i'm sorry-"

"Hey it's okay. Here, get dressed." She threw the clothes at him laughing and turned and walked downstairs and saw his unopened present. When he walked downstairs she pointed to the presents and raised an eyebrow,"Fine... I'll open them."

He opened the box first and smiled when he read her letter. When he got to the Gulon he gasped,"Sophie I-I...I don't know what to say!"

She laughed,"It's okay Keefe that's not everything!" She gestured to the bag.

He then grabbed the bag of art supplies and took out the 3 dozen canvases, the colored pencil thingies and the notebooks.

He looked at her and smiled,"How did you know I was out of art stuff?" She shrugged blushing,"Well I'm going to paint you something!"He exclaimed and she laughed,"Okay, if you want Keefe."

She reached behind her and handed him the two paintings with the Gulon wrapping,"Foster you know me so well!" He exclaimed when he saw the outside.

He tore open the wrapping and his mouth hung open,"S-Sophie th-these are AMAZING! Who did you get to paint them?"

She gave him a smug smirk,"Myself!"

He looked at her then at the two paintings.

The first one was of their first kiss and in her opinion she had captured the magic of the moment poorly.

The second one was of "The Foster Foot Energy Triumph" and it captured the moment of her hitting Magnete Leto in the face with a pillow and Keefe grinned just looking at it.

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