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December 3rd

Billie's POV:

So much time has passed, and there is a major weight lifted off my shoulders because my album has been signed off on. I'm done. I've finished it. Something that I thought that I would truly never do. It's been 3 days, and this is the first time I've felt freedom in forever.

I've met with the record label a few times this week, I have to be with Jesse until further notice. Which I expected, but since the album has been completed, he's been seeing me more. Taking me out, just being nice to me overall.

I told him how my album isn't going to come out until summertime, and with how much Jesse and I have been spending together, I think his album is coming along nicely as well. He's played me some of the tracks, they're good.

He's explained to me how he lost his passion for music and didn't want to do it anymore. Then the label heard the song, and that's how the label came to the idea of having us together, to promote both our albums.

Which doesn't make any sense, because my album isn't based on him and vice versa. I just don't understand what the label wants out of us. At all, and I don't get why the label gets to have so much control over what we do.

Ever since Finneas snitched on me to the label, I haven't spoken to him unless it has something to do with my album. I have nothing to say to him, and I feel betrayed.

Despite my album being done, I have been writing just because that's the only thing that's been making me feel better.

I wanted to stop writing to Maddie because what is that doing for me? It's making me miss her more, but for some reason, it gives me the same effect of talking to her.

I was messing around on the soundboard in my basement and there was a knock on my door, I opened it and it was Finneas.

I begin to close the door, but he stops me.

FInneas: "Come on Bil, you can't be mad at me forever."

Billie: "I can and I will, thank you." I start to close the door again.

Finneas: "We can really talk this out if you would be an adult for once."

Billie: "I can't be the adult? Who snitched on me?"

Finneas: "Who's considering it as 'snitching?"

I look at him.

Finneas: "Let me in, we can talk."

I open the door.

Finneas: "Let's start with why you're mad at me."

Billie: "I'm mad because you told the label what I was doing, and that got me in trouble."

Finneas: "Okay and I understand that, you were doing something you weren't supposed to be doing, that's why it got you in trouble."

Billie: "Did Claudia tell you that I was seeing her, or did I really forget to turn my location off?"

Finneas: "It was your location. Claudia knew?"

Billie: "Yeah I told her because I can't keep secrets."

Finneas: "Okay, I'm sorry for telling the label. I'm happy I did it though."

Billie: "Genuinely, what is wrong with you?"

Finneas: "Look at what it did, you've done more work in the last month, than you have in the last year. You needed Maddie away from you."

Billie: "You have no idea what you're talking about, oh my fucking god."

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