chapter 16: over a cup of coffee

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One night...

Trevor's friends, Jacques, Basil, Yohan, Gregor, and Elvis, had been buzzing with excitement about the upcoming fashion show for weeks. Eager to share the experience with Trevor, they extended an invitation for him to join them.

Jacques: "Come on, Trevor, you can't miss this! It's going to be the event of the season."

Basil: "Yeah, it'll be a great chance to catch up and have some fun...You always sulk."

Yohan: "Plus, you never know who you might meet there. It could be a great networking opportunity."

Gregor: "And let's face it, Trevor, you could use a night out. You've been working too hard lately not to miss Razel,"

Elvis: "Exactly! So what do you say? Are you in?"

Trevor hesitated for a moment, feeling torn between his desire to spend time with his friends and his lingering feelings of loneliness. But ultimately, he knew that a night out with good company was just what he needed to lift his spirits.

Trevor: "Alright, you've convinced me. I'm in. Let's make it a night to remember."

at the fashion show...

As Trevor glanced around the bustling venue of the fashion show, his eyes came to rest on a familiar face. There she was, the woman who had captivated his attention a year ago at the bar while having pole dancing exhibition, now strutting confidently down the runway as one of the ramp models.

Trevor's heart skipped a beat as he watched her move with grace and poise, her every step exuding confidence and elegance. Memories of their encounter at the bar flooded back to him, and he couldn't help but feel a surge of excitement at the sight of her once again.

Turning to his friends with a grin, Trevor nudged Jacques and pointed discreetly in the woman's direction.

Trevor: "Hey, isn't that the woman from the bar? The one  who did best in pole dancing ?"

Jacques: "Ah, I see her. Looks like she's made quite a name for herself in the modeling world."

Basil: "Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise? Maybe tonight won't be so boring after all."

Yohan: "You should go talk to her, Trevor. What have you got to lose?"

Gregor: "Yeah, go for it! We'll be right here cheering you on."

Elvis: "Who knows? Maybe this will be the start of something new and exciting."

Gregor: "but be careful... Just play don't get hooked,"

Basil: " The sacred rule,"

With a newfound sense of playfulness, Trevor took a deep breath and made his way through the crowd, his heart racing with anticipation at the prospect of reconnecting with the woman who had left such a lasting impression on him.

As Trevor approached the runway, he couldn't help but feel a surge of nerves mingled with excitement. The woman, poised and elegant, continued her confident stride, unaware of his presence. With each step closer, Trevor's heart beat faster.

After the show, Trevor approached her,  as she turned to make her way back, their eyes met, and a spark of recognition flickered in her gaze.

Trevor: "Excuse me, miss. I couldn't help but notice your remarkable talent on the runway. You're stunning."

The woman paused, a hint of surprise crossing her features before she smiled warmly.

Woman: "Thank you. That's very kind of you to say."

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