chapter 27: little one

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Anca: (excitedly hugging Raze) Raze, it's so good to see you! How's my favorite sister doing?

Raze: (laughing) I'm doing okay, considering everything. But enough about me, how have you been, Anca?

Anca: (grinning) Oh, you know, same old same old. But I'm more interested in spoiling my future niece or nephew. How's the little one doing?

Raze: (placing a hand on her belly) Stubborn as ever, just like their parents. But we're grateful to have such a supportive family, especially during these uncertain times.

Anca: (squeezing Trev's shoulder) Speaking of supportive, how's my brother-in-law holding up? You taking good care of my sister, Trev?

Trev: (smiling) Doing my best, Anca. It's been a rollercoaster, but we're managing. And having you all here means the world to us.

Anca: (playfully) Well, you better keep taking good care of her, or else you'll have to answer to me!

At dinner ...

Raze's Father: (with tears of joy in his eyes) Look at you, my little grandchild. We can't wait to meet you.

Raze's Mother: (gently placing a hand on Raze's belly) You're already so loved, little one. We're going to spoil you rotten.

Raze: (smiling, feeling overwhelmed with emotion) It's amazing to feel your love and excitement, Mom, Dad. I wish Dad was here to witness this.

Raze's Father: (placing a tender kiss on Raze's belly) He's watching over us, sweetheart, just like we'll watch over you and your baby.

Raze's Mother: (tears glistening in her eyes) We may not have all the answers, but we'll always be here for you, no matter what.

Anca: (noticing Trev's caring gestures towards Raze and the baby, feeling a twinge of jealousy) You know, Trev, you've really stepped up. It's impressive how devoted you are to Raze and the baby.

Trev: (smiling warmly) Thanks, Anca. Raze and the baby mean everything to me. I'll do whatever it takes to make sure they're both safe and happy.

Anca forces a smile, masking her true feelings as she watches Trev's genuine affection towards her sister and the unborn child. Deep down, she can't help but feel a pang of envy, wishing she had someone who cared for her in the same way. But she pushes those thoughts aside, she knows she likes no one else but Trev.

Raze: (beaming with happiness) It's been such a wonderful evening, hasn't it, Anca? I can't tell you how much it means to me to have you and Mom and Dad here, sharing in this special time with us.

Anca: (forcing a smile) Yeah, it's been great. I'm really happy for you, Raze.

Raze: (noticing Anca's distant expression) Is everything okay, Anca? You seem a bit quiet.

Anca: (quickly masking her emotions) Oh, I'm fine, Raze. Just lost in thought, I guess.

Raze: (concerned) If there's anything on your mind, you can always talk to me, you know that, right?

Anca: (forcing another smile) Thanks, Raze. I appreciate it.

Trev, sensing the tension in the room, tries to diffuse it with light conversation.

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