chapter 32: bad dream

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Raze: "Trev, I don't know what's wrong with me. I always feel so sleepy."

Trev: "Hmm, it could be a few things. Are you taking any medication that might make you drowsy?"

Raze: "No, I don't think so. But I do have a lot on my plate lately."

Trev: "Ah, that could definitely be it. You might just be really tired from everything you're doing."

Raze: "Yeah, maybe. But it feels like I'm always tired, no matter how much I rest."

Trev: "Hmm, it could also be that your body just needs more sleep. Sometimes we underestimate how much rest we actually need."

Raze: "You might be right. I'll try to prioritize getting more sleep and see if that helps. Thanks, Trev."

Trev: "Of course, anytime. Take care of yourself, Raze."

Anca: "Hey Raze, I couldn't help but overhear you mentioning feeling sleepy. Have you been eating enough?"

Raze: "Hmm, I guess I could eat a bit more. But I feel like I'm always having no appetite."

Anca: "I totally get that, but your body needs fuel to function properly. Try to eat more regularly, and don't forget to drink your milk and juice. It might help boost your energy."

Raze: "You're right, I've been slacking on my meals lately. I'll make an effort to eat better. Thanks, Anca."

Anca: "No problem! Just looking out for you. Let me know if you need any help with meal ideas or anything."

Raze: "Will do. Thanks again!"

When Anca turned to leave, she smirked and muttered under her breath, "You have to be always asleep... much better, even if forever."

Anca's face betrayed a hint of mischief and foolishness as she muttered to herself, her smirk indicating a mischievous thought running through her mind.

Anca: giggling to herself "Oh, Anca, you're such a troublemaker sometimes. Maybe I should keep those thoughts to myself before I cause real trouble."

At night, after dinner, Anca thoughtfully brought Raze her milk.

Anca: knocking on the door "Raze, it's me. I brought you some milk. Thought it might help you feel better."

Trev: opens the door... He just stare at Anca, no words.

Raze:  "Oh, Anca, that's so thoughtful of you. Thank you."

Anca: smiling "No problem, Raze. Take care of yourself, okay?"

Raze: "I will. Thanks again for looking out for me."

Anca: sits on the couch ..."Anytime, Raze."

After awhile after Raze drinks her.milk...

Raze: "I feel sleepy, my eyes wanted to close...Goodnight, Anca."

Anca: "Good night, sissy!"

Raze: "Good night, Trev,"

Trev: "Sleep well, sweetheart,"

When Raze drifted to sleep... Anca jump on Trev's lap, hugged ang kissed him as if there's no tomorrow...

Anca: feeling a rush of emotions, leans in closer, deepening the kiss

Trev: at start resisting...but after awhile, he feels a fire ignited, Trev responds , wrapping his arms around Anca, pulling her closer

Anca: lost in the moment, her heart racing, she melts into Trev's embrace

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