chapter 53 : announcements

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After spending a blissful year together in Siargao, Trevor was puzzled and worried to find Raze sitting alone in the hammock under the tree, her gaze fixed on something in her hands. He approached her and asked gently

Trev: " What's wrong, Raze?"

"Do you remember this?" Raze asked softly, holding out a small, weathered seashell in her palm.

Trevor's brow furrowed in confusion as he took the shell from her hand, turning it over in his fingers. Memories flooded back as he recognized it as one of the seashells they had picked together during their walks on the beach.

"Yes, I remember," Trevor replied, a hint of nostalgia tugging at his heart. "But why are you holding onto this shell?"

Raze's eyes glistened with unshed tears as she spoke. "It's been a year since we arrived in Siargao, Trevor. A year since we started our new life together. And this shell... it reminds me of all the beautiful moments we've shared here."

Trevor's heart swelled with emotion as he realized the significance of the shell to Raze. Silently, he wrapped his arms around her, drawing her close in a tender embrace.

"I love you, Raze," he whispered, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "Thank you for sharing this journey with me."

"And I love you, Trevor," Raze murmured, her voice choked with emotion. "Thank you for giving me a life filled with love and happiness."

At that moment, as they held each other beneath the shade of the tree, Raze seemed to lose herself in her thoughts. Trevor, noticing her sudden change in demeanor, became puzzled once again. When he asked her what was wrong, Raze wordlessly showed him something - a pregnancy test kit with two red lines.

Trevor: "Raze... is this what I think it is?"

Raze: nods silently, tears welling up in her eyes

Trevor: overwhelmed with emotion, pulls her into a tight embrace "Oh, Raze... this is incredible. We're going to have a baby."

Raze: smiling through her tears "Yes, Trevor. We're going to be parents."

Trevor: "Why are you crying/"

Raze: Are you sure you wanted a family?

Trevor: kisses her forehead tenderly "I couldn't be happier, Raze. This is the best news I've ever heard."

Raze: "Really?"

Trevor: "Raze, will you marry me?"

Raze: taken aback, hesitates "But Trevor, are you sure you want to marry someone like me? An exhibitionist involved in BDSM?"

Trevor: looks into her eyes with unwavering determination "Raze, am I cleaner than you are... You very well know how filthy I am... I love you for who you are, not for what you do. And as for the curses of life, who among us is truly free from them? But what matters is that we face them together, hand in hand, as husband and wife."

Raze: tears welling up in her eyes "Trevor, I... I don't know what to say."

Trevor: Just say, Yes,"

Raze: "But Trevor, what about your friends from the secret world? The ones who witnessed me in those exhibitions?"

Trevor: takes her hands in his "Raze, whatever happens in the secret world stays in the secret world. It's part of the code, part of the contract. No one will ever divulge what they've seen or heard. You have my word on that... And who cares if they knew all about it...I don't care...and I don't even care if they'll disown me marrying you...But for sure they won't. They were involved in that abduction plan,"."

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