chapter 33: unbridled passion

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Anca: grinning mischievously "Come on, Trev, don't be such a worrywart. Raze always wakes up at 7 a.m. like clockwork. We'll be done way before then."

Trevor: shaking his head, concern etched on his face "I don't know, Anca. What if she wakes up in the middle of it? It'll be a big trouble."

Anca: rolling her eyes playfully "Trust me, Trev. I've got it all figured out. Raze sleeps like a rock once she's out. We'll be in and out before she even stirs."

Trevor: hesitating, still unsure "I don't know..."

Anca: leaning in closer, her voice softening "Look, Trev, I just want some alone time with you. But you won't leave Raze, so let's do it here...  Is that too much to ask?"

Trevor: sighing defeatedly "Alright, fine. But if Raze wakes up, we'll be in hell."

Anca: grinning triumphantly "Deal. Now, let's make the most of our time together."

As Anca and Trev proceed with Anca's plans, their whispers and hushed giggles fill the room with anticipation. They move with caution, trying not to disturb Raze, who remains peacefully asleep.

Anca: whispering softly "See? Everything's going smoothly, just like I said."

Trevor: nodding, a hint of nervousness in his voice "Yeah, but let's try to keep it quiet. I don't want to risk waking her up... "

Anca: nodding in agreement, her eyes twinkling with excitement "Of course, Trev. I'll be as quiet as a mouse."

As they continue, their movements become more synchronized, their desire fueling their actions. Yet, amidst the passion and intimacy, a part of Trev remains uneasy, his thoughts drifting back to Raze and the possibility of her waking up.

Trevor: pausing momentarily, his expression conflicted "Anca, are you sure about this? What if Raze finds out?"

Anca: placing a reassuring hand on his arm "Relax, Trev. Raze trusts us, and besides, a little harmless fun never hurt anyone."

Trev: We better stop---

Anca: persistently whispering "Come on, Trev, it's not like we have any other option. Raze won't even notice. And this room is spacious enough for both of us."

Trevor: hesitantly shaking his head "I don't know, Anca. It just feels wrong doing this in our own room, where Raze sleeps."

Anca: trying to reassure him "Look, Trev, I get it. But we can't keep avoiding each other. We deserve this time together."

Trevor: sighing heavily "It still feels... uncomfortable."

Anca: placing a hand on his shoulder, her tone softening "I understand, Trev. But we can't let guilt ruin what we have. Let's just enjoy this moment, okay?"

Trevor: reluctantly nodding "Alright, Anca. But let's make it quick."

Anca: smiling reassuringly "Deal. Now, let's focus on us."

Anca: leaning in closer, her voice urgent "Trev, please.I've been waiting for this chance for soong...Raze requested me to atay here until she deliver...If I'll leave, how will I explain? Raze requested me to be with her...So, I am here... For now, let me fill the vacuum...Don't let your guilt hold us back now. Raze won't even know."

Trevor: feeling torn, his mind racing "But what if she finds out? What if she wakes up?"

Anca: gently cupping his face, her eyes pleading "Trev, listen to me. She won't suspect a thing. We'll handle it she will wake up at 7 am, I am sure of that.... But right now, I need you with me."

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