chapter 59 : back to hometown

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Without Anca's knowing that Raze knows the truth about the photos, Anca invited Raze for a coffee, with intention of handing Raze the photo album...

Anca: Hey Raze, would you like to meet up for coffee sometime soon?

Raze: Sure, that sounds nice. When were you thinking?

Anca: How about tomorrow afternoon?

Raze: Sounds good to me. Where should we meet?

Anca: Let's meet at that little cafe downtown, the one with the cozy atmosphere.

Raze: Sounds perfect. See you tomorrow then.

Anca: Looking forward to it. See you soon, Raze.

Anca: Hey Raze, thanks for meeting me for coffee.

Raze: Of course, Anca. It's nice to catch up. What's on your mind?

Anca: Well, I have something for you. hands over the photo album

Raze: Oh wow, what's this?

Anca: It's a collection of memories, moments we've shared together. I thought you might appreciate having them.

Raze: Ohhh sweet of you Anca...You wasted time to see me to hand this... Why not try to watch the video coverage, it's better than these photos of you and Trev... The video is clear and in motion...

Anca was startled...Raze open the video for her...

Raze: Watch this...

Anca: Ohhh you---

Raze: Don't make a scene, one order from me, those men around will handcuff you... But I am still kind, just leave this place silently, and never let our path cross again... I know you dont love Trev that much, but you hate me more...right? And I don't know why?

Raze stand up and the 6 men around followed her...


rev waiting at the car...

Trev: I am nervous of what Anca could do to you so I let them follow you...

Raze: She just showed me the photos, and I show her the video...

Trev: Now that everything is clear, can we strike out Anca in our lives?

Raze: She deserved to know the truth...that we know her insanity... That she is fooling us... I can't let her make us dance in the tune she wanted to...

Trev: Yes ...

Raze: It's time to prioritize our own happiness and peace of mind. We deserve better than to be caught in Anca's web of manipulation.

Trev: I'm grateful we see eye to eye on this. Let's focus on moving forward without her influence.

Raze: From now on, it's just you and me, Trev. No more distractions or drama.

Trev: That sounds perfect to me. Thanks for handling the situation with Anca, Raze. I know it wasn't easy.

Raze: Of course, Trev. We're in this together. Now let's leave all this behind us and enjoy the freedom of being ourselves.

Trev: Couldn't have said it better myself. Here's to a fresh start.

Time flies...

Cloud is now 3 years old and Raze is expecting...

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