chapter 18: surprise proposal

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Trev excitedly waiting at the airport arrival gate...He checks his watch nervously, scanning the arrivals board

Raze emerges from the gate, scanning the crowd

Raze: emerges from the gate, looking tired but relieved

Trevor: rushes over with a big smile Raze! You're finally back!

Raze: grins weakly Hey, Trev. Yeah, it's good to be back.

Trevor: noticing Raze's fatigue Long flight?

Raze: nods Yeah, and work has been insane lately. I really needed this break.

Trevor: Well, I'm glad you're here now. Let's get your bags and head home. You can relax and recharge.

Raze: smiles gratefully Thanks, Trev. I really appreciate it.

Trevor: No problem at all. Just happy to have you back. And hey, I've got some dinner plans for us tonight to celebrate your return.

Raze: brightens up That sounds amazing. I can't wait to unwind with you.

Trevor: smiles mischievously Hey, Raze, how about we do something different tonight?

Raze: curiously Oh? What did you have in mind?

Trevor: grins I booked us a romantic dinner at a hotel downtown. Just the two of us, no distractions.

Raze: eyes widen in surprise Really? That sounds amazing!

Trevor: takes Raze's hand I thought it would be nice for us to have some quality time together, away from home and work.

Raze: squeezes Trevor's hand That sounds perfect. Thank you for planning this.

Trevor: smiles warmly Anything for you, Raze. Let's make tonight unforgettable.

Raze: nods eagerly Absolutely. I can't wait.

Trevor: raises his glass Here's to us, Raze. To many more adventures together.

Raze: clinks his glass with Trevor's Cheers to that, Trev. You always know how to make things exciting.

Trevor: grins Well, life would be boring without a bit of spontaneity, wouldn't it?

Raze: chuckles True, but sometimes your spontaneity leads to chaos.

Trevor: raises an eyebrow Chaos? I prefer to think of it as adding a little thrill to our lives.

Raze: laughs Yeah, like the time you convinced me to go skydiving, and I almost passed out from fear.

Trevor: smirks Hey, you can't deny it was exhilarating.

Raze: rolls his eyes playfully Exhilarating, terrifying... potato, potahto.

Trevor: grins Well, tonight's dinner may not involve jumping out of a plane, but I promise it'll be just as memorable.

Raze: smiles I have no doubt about that, Trev. As long as I'm with you, every moment is special.

Trevor: gazes into Raze's eyes You know, Raze, I feel incredibly lucky to have you in my life.

Raze: smiles warmly And I feel the same way about you, Trev. You bring so much joy and love into my life every single day.

Trevor: reaches across the table to hold Raze's hand I'm grateful for every moment we spend together. You make even the ordinary moments feel extraordinary.

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