chapter 43 : near yet so far

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One night in a bar...

Trevor: sinking onto a couch head in his hands "What have I done..."

Friend 1: placing a comforting hand on Trevor's shoulder "It's going to be okay, Trev."

Trevor: voice choked with emotion "No, it's not. I've lost her. I've lost everything."

Friend 2: sitting down beside Trevor  "You couldn't have known this would happen."

Trevor: lifting his tear-stained face "But I should have. I should have not hurt her... I shouldn't cheated on her... But I betrayed her"

Friend 1: "Sometimes things just don't work out the way we want them to."

Trevor: shaking his head "But she didn't what I have done... She deserved better. She deserved better."

Friend 2: "Forgive yourself, mate."

Trevor: sighing heavily "She's getting back... and she won... I am crushed..."

As Trevor wrestles with his regrets and grief, his friends offer him comfort and support, reminding him that sometimes love means letting go, even when it hurts the most.

Friend 2: "She's become quite the sensation in our secret world."

Trevor: sighs "I never wanted her to get involved in all of this."

Friend 1: "It seems like she's found her place, though. I've heard she's the most sought-after sub now."

Trevor: shakes his head "I never thought it would come to this.... It's all my fault,"

Friend 2: "Sometimes  unexpected things happen, mate."

Trevor: looks away, lost in thought " I just hope she's truly happy... not just getting back."

Friend 2: "She's not anyone's sub. She only performs and exhibits her skills."

Trevor: surprised  "So she's not... involved with anyone?"

Friend 1: "No, it seems not. She's just in it for the exhibitions, from what I've heard."

Trevor: relief washing over him "That's... good to know."

Friend 2: "Yeah, it seems like she's just found a way to express herself in this world without getting too deeply involved."

Trevor: nods thoughtfully "Well, as long as she's happy and safe, I guess that's all that matters."

Friend 1: "Exactly. And it seems like she's thriving in this environment."

Trevor: "I suppose so. It's just... hard to see her in this world."

Friend 2: "I understand, mate. But maybe this is where she belongs now."

Trevor: sighs "Maybe you're right. I just wish things had turned out differently."

Friend 1: "We all do, Trevor. But sometimes, life takes us down unexpected paths... Unexpected twists and turns..."

Trevor: nods, a sense of acceptance settling over him "Yeah, you're right. I just have to accept that and move forward."

Friend 2: "And who knows, maybe one day both of you find each other in this world together,"

Trevor: smiles faintly "Maybe. But for now, I think she is too angry to make that thought of yours possible."

 Trevor cannot accept that their paths have diverged. As he looks towards the future, he cannot accept Raze is going a separate way...

Friend 1: "Maybe, but sometimes anger can fade with time. You never know what the future holds."

Trevor: sighs, conflicted "I hope you're right. I just miss her, you know?"

Friend 2: "We know, mate. But sometimes, the best thing we can do is give each other space to heal."

Trevor: nods, a sense of longing evident in his eyes "I suppose you're right. I'll try to give her that space."

Friend 1: "That's all you can do, Trevor. Just focus on taking care of yourself for now."

Trevor: takes a deep breath, trying to steel himself for the challenges ahead "Thanks, guys. I appreciate your support."

As Trevor grapples with his feelings of longing and regret, he knows that he must respect Raze's need for space and time to heal. But deep down, a flicker of hope remains that one day, their paths may converge once again. For now, all he can do is focus on taking care of himself and trusting that time will bring clarity and healing to them both.

Friend 2: "And remember, Trevor, you're not alone in this. We're here for you every step of the way."

Trevor: smiles weakly "Thanks, guys. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Friend 1: "That's what friends are for, mate. We'll get through this together."

Trevor: feeling a glimmer of hope "Yeah, we will."

As Trevor leans on his friends for support, he finds solace in their presence and the knowledge that he doesn't have to face his struggles alone. With their encouragement and understanding, he begins to see a path forward, one where he can heal and grow, even in the face of heartache and uncertainty. And as they continue to stand by his side, Trevor knows that no matter what the future holds, he'll always have their unwavering support.

As Raze delved deeper into her career as an architect, she poured her energy and passion into each project, finding fulfillment in the creative process and the tangible results of her work. Little did she know, Trev had also set his sights on Italy, drawn by an unspoken desire to be near her, even from a distance.

While Raze immersed herself in her professional endeavors, Trev watched from afar, his presence in Italy serving as a silent reminder of the connection they once shared. Despite the physical distance between them, he couldn't shake the feeling of longing that tugged at his heartstrings whenever he thought of her.

Though they moved in separate circles, their paths occasionally crossed in the bustling streets of Italy, their encounters fleeting yet filled with unspoken tension and unresolved emotions. Trev found himself drawn to Raze like a moth to a flame, unable to resist the pull of her presence, even as he struggled to come to terms with their complicated history.

As Raze focused on building her career and carving out her place in the world, Trev grappled with his feelings of regret and longing, torn between the desire to reach out to her and the fear of reopening old wounds. As they continued to orbit each other in the vibrant streets of Italy, both Raze and Trev couldn't help but wonder if fate had something more in store for them, something that transcended the boundaries of time and distance.

As days turned into weeks, Trev found himself unable to shake the feeling of longing that Raze's presence ignited within him. He watched her from afar, admiring her dedication and passion for her work, yet unable to bridge the gap that had formed between them.

Meanwhile, Raze threw herself into her architectural projects with renewed vigor, channeling her emotions into her designs and creations. Yet, despite her professional success, there was a lingering emptiness within her, a sense of longing for something—or someone—she couldn't quite name.

Their encounters in the bustling streets of Italy became more frequent, each one tinged with a mixture of nostalgia and unspoken tension. Trev longed to reach out to Raze, to apologize for the mistakes of the past and seek forgiveness, but fear held him back, trapping him in a cycle of indecision and regret.

As they danced around each other in the vibrant tapestry of Italy, both Raze and Trev grappled with their feelings, unsure of what the future held. Yet, deep down, they couldn't shake the feeling that their paths were destined to cross once again, that the threads of fate were weaving them together in ways they couldn't yet comprehend. And as they navigated the complexities of love and longing in the heart of Italy, they couldn't help but wonder if their story was far from over. Raze is near yet too far from Trev.

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