chapter 17: baptism

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Trevor and Anca found themselves unexpectedly bumping into each other once more at a mutual friend's birthday celebration

Trevor's furrowed brows betrayed his surprise as he wondered why Anca was present at the gathering of their secret world, the BDSM practitioners.

Trevor's astonishment deepened as he hadn't anticipated Anca's involvement in their secret world.

Jacques: "Hey Trevor, surprised to see Anca here?"

Trevor: "Yeah, I had no idea she was into this."

Yohan: "She's actually an on-call sub, not a regular member."

Basil: "She's here for her baptism into the community."

Gregor: "It's pretty common for newcomers to start that way."

Elvis: "Just thought you should know, mate."

Jacques: "Trevor, if you're interested, you could be her sub for the baptism, a live performance."

Trevor: "Hmm, I've never done anything like that before - live."

Yohan: "It's her choice, either whipping or bondage."

Trevor: "I'll have to think about it."

Basil: "No pressure, mate. Just let us know."

Gregor: "Yeah, it's all about what you're comfortable with."

Elvis: "Just remember, it's all consensual and safe."

Jacques: "So, Trevor, have you made up your mind?"

Trevor: "Yeah, I think I'm ready to give it a shot."

Yohan: "Great! So you'll be the dom then?"

Trevor: "Yeah, I want to experience it live with an audience."

Basil: "Bold choice, mate. Anca will be thrilled."

Gregor: "Just remember to communicate clearly and respect boundaries."

Elvis: "Indeed, safety and consent above all else."

Trevor: "Got it, thanks for the advice, guys."

Trevor: "Hey Anca, before we start, I think we should agree on some boundaries. How about we stop if either of us feels uncomfortable?"

Anca: "That sounds good to me. And we should definitely have a safe word just in case."

Trevor: "Agreed. How about 'Claud'? It's easy to remember."

Anca: "Sounds perfect. Let's make sure to respect each other's limits."

Trevor: Call me "Master", and I'll call you "Sugar"

Anca: Clear Master

Trevor: safe word?

Anca: Claud

Trevor: "Good Sugar...good... safety first."

Anca: "Thanks, Master. Let's have a good baptismal session."

Trevor: "Are you ready, sugar?"

Anca: "Yes, master. I trust you."

Trevor: "Remember, if anything feels wrong or uncomfortable, just say 'Claud'."

Anca: "Got it."

Trevor: "You look stunning, sugar."

Anca: "Thank you, master. I feel empowered in this outfit."

Trevor: "Ready to show them what we've got?"

Anca: ". Let's make this performance unforgettable."

(Anca takes a confident step forward, sucking on her red lollipop as she embraces her role.)

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