chapter19: web of deceit

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The engagement party for Trevor and Raze was a joyous occasion filled with laughter, love, and celebration. Friends and family gathered together to congratulate the happy couple and toast to their future together.

The venue was beautifully decorated with twinkling lights, floral arrangements, and elegant décor. Soft music played in the background, setting the perfect ambiance for the evening.

Trevor and Raze were beaming with happiness as they mingled with their guests, sharing stories of how they met and reminiscing about their journey together.

There was an abundance of delicious food and drinks for everyone to enjoy, from gourmet appetizers to decadent desserts. The atmosphere was filled with warmth and excitement as guests raised their glasses to toast the newly engaged couple.

Trevor: raising his glass Attention, everyone! Can I have your attention, please?

Guests: turning their heads towards Trevor, curious

Trevor: smiling at Raze Tonight is a very special night. It's not just about celebrating our engagement, but also about celebrating the incredible woman standing right beside me.

Raze: blushing, nudging Trevor Oh, stop it, you.

Trevor: chuckles No, seriously. Raze, you are my rock, my light, and my everything. I can't imagine my life without you. And tonight, surrounded by our friends and family, I want to publicly declare my love for you.

Guests: clapping and cheering

Raze: teary-eyed Oh, Trev...

Trevor: getting down on one knee, pulling out a small box Raze, again I am asking,  will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?

Raze: covering her mouth in surprise Yes, yes, a million times yes!

Guests: cheering even louder

Trevor: slipping the ring onto Raze's finger I love you, Raze.

Raze: sniffling, hugging Trevor tightly I love you too, Trev.

Guests: raising their glasses To Trevor and Raze! May your love continue to grow stronger with each passing day!

While in one dim corner of the venue, Anca watches Trevor and Raze with a mixture of envy and bitterness, her heart heavy with disappointment I can't believe this is happening. I thought Trevor and I had something special, something that would lead us to the altar. But now... now he's marrying Raze.

Friend: notices Anca's troubled expression Anca, are you okay?

Anca: forces a tight smile Of course, I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?

Friend: concerned It's just... you seem upset about Trevor and Raze's engagement.

Anca: sighs heavily Upset is an understatement. I thought Trevor and I had a future together. I thought he was the one who would stand by my side, but it seems I was wrong.

Friend: offers a sympathetic pat on the shoulder I'm sorry, Anca. It's never easy when things don't turn out the way we hoped.

Anca: fighting back tears I just can't help but feel like I've been betrayed. I opened up to Trevor in ways I never have with anyone else, and now it feels like it was all for nothing.

Friend: puts an arm around Anca I know it hurts, but try not to dwell on what could have been. Maybe there's someone out there who's even better suited for you than Trevor.

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