chapter 44 :drastic plan

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As Trev received the invitation to the Deadly Kinks Showdown, his heart skipped a beat. Among the list of performers, he saw a name that sent a shiver down his spine – "Bloody Mary," the sub-name of none other than Raze.

Trev: staring at the invitation in disbelief  "Bloody Mary... Raze..."

Friend 1: "What's wrong, Trev? You look like you've seen a ghost."

Trev: hands trembling "Raze... she's performing at the Deadly Kinks Showdown."

Friend 2: concerned "Are you serious? What are you going to do?"

Trev: voice strained "I... I don't know. I have to go. I have to see her."

Friend 1: "Trev, are you sure that's a good idea? You know how complicated things are between you two."

Trev: clenching his fists "I have to go. I need to see her, to talk to her."

Friend 2: placing a hand on Trev's shoulder "Okay, but just be careful, mate. This could get messy."

Trev: nodding determinedly "I know. But I can't just stand by and do nothing. I have to confront her, to finally put this all behind us."

As Trev grapples with his emotions and prepares to face Raze once again, he knows that the Deadly Kinks Showdown will be a pivotal moment in their tangled history. With his friends by his side, he braces himself for the confrontation that lies ahead, uncertain of what the future holds but determined to finally find closure.

Trev: approaching Raze, his voice trembling slightly "Raze... we need to talk."

Raze: turning to face Trev, her expression guarded "What do you want, Trev?"

Trev: hesitant "I... I saw the invitation. To the Deadly Kinks Showdown. I saw that you're performing."

Raze: eyes narrowing "And what of it?"

Trev: swallowing hard "I just... I wanted to talk to you about it. I wanted to make sure you're okay."

Raze: a flicker of anger in her eyes "Why wouldn't I be okay?"

Trev: searching her eyes "I don't know... It's just... dangerous. What you're doing... It's risky."

Raze: voice laced with fury "Risky? Do you think I can't handle myself? You think I need you to protect me?"

Trev: taken aback "No, that's not what I meant. I just... I worry about you, Raze."

Raze: voice rising with indignation "Worry? You worry now? After everything? After what you have done? You wanted a submissive, to fulfill your every desire? Why you didn't ask me to do it for you instead of Anca? Do you think I am that lame not to be able to perform?"

Trev: shocked  "Raze, I never wanted to put you in danger. I just wanted..."

Raze: interrupts him, her voice cutting like a knife " You wanted me not to be like this for you...And you wanted someone else... You wanted her to satisfy your hidden desires, to give you pleasure. And now you're worried about me? Now you're afraid?"

Trev: feeling the weight of his words "I... I didn't mean it like that, Raze. I just... I care about you."

Raze: shaking her head in disbelief  "Well, maybe it's time you let me go, Trev. Maybe it's time you let me live my life the way I want to, without your judgment or your fear holding me back."

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