chapter 40 : new story

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after 2 years...

After two long years of waiting and uncertainty, the news finally came: the annulment was approved. For Raze, it was a bittersweet moment, a reminder of the love he had lost and the pain he had caused. But it was also a chance for him to finally move forward, to let go of the past, and embrace the future with open arms.

As she received the official documents in his hands, Raze felt a sense of closure wash over her. The chapter of her life that had been defined by his marriage to Trev was finally coming to an end, and he knew that it was time to turn the page and begin anew.

But amidst the feelings of relief and finality, there was also a lingering sense of sadness. Raze couldn't help but wonder what could have been if things had turned out differently if Trev had been able to hold onto the love he once shared with her.

As she looked back on their time together, Raze couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret for the mistakes Trev had made and the pain he had caused her. But she also knew that she couldn't change the past, that all she could do now was learn from her experiences and strive to be a better person in the future.

With the annulment now official, Raze knew that it was time to take the next step in her journey. She didn't know what the future held, but she was determined to face it head-on, armed with the lessons he had learned and the strength he had gained along the way.

As she closed the chapter on her marriage to Trev, Raze knew that it was time to write a new story for herself, one filled with hope, forgiveness, and the promise of a brighter tomorrow.

As Trev held the annulment order in his hands, his heart heavy with sorrow and regret, tears streamed down his cheeks unchecked. It was a moment he had both longed for and dreaded, the final nail in the coffin of his hopes for reconciliation with Raze.

With trembling hands, he traced the words on the paper, each letter a painful reminder of the love he had lost and the woman who had once held his heart. The weight of his decisions and their consequences bore down on him, threatening to crush him beneath their immense burden.

At that moment, Trev felt as if a part of him had died along with the annulment of his marriage to Raze. The realization that she was now truly free, free to move on and find happiness without him, was like a dagger to his soul.

The tears continued to fall, unabated, as Trev grappled with the overwhelming sense of loss that consumed him. He knew that he had brought this upon himself, that his actions had led to the demise of their relationship, but that knowledge offered little comfort in the face of his heartache.

As he crumpled the annulment order in his fist, Trev felt a profound sense of emptiness wash over him. He knew that he would carry the pain of losing Raze with him for the rest of his days, a constant reminder of the love he had let slip through his fingers.

But amidst the darkness of his despair, a glimmer of hope flickered faintly in the depths of his soul. Perhaps, someday, he would find a way to make amends for his mistakes, to earn back the trust and forgiveness of the woman he loved.

But for now, all Trev could do was mourn the loss of what could have been, and pray that Raze would find the happiness and peace she deserved, even if it meant doing so without him by her side.

As Raze settled into her new life in Italy, she found herself surrounded by the vibrant energy of a new city, each street and alleyway offering the promise of adventure and discovery. Determined to leave the pain of her past behind, she threw herself into the task of rebuilding her life from the ground up.

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