chapter 46: abduction

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Trev brings Raze to his yacht with his friends' help... He doesn't mind being in charge of abduction.

 As Raze stood on Trev's yacht, her anger simmered just below the surface, threatening to boil over at any moment. She couldn't believe that Trev had gone to such lengths to bring her here against her will, using his friends to assist him in this blatant act of manipulation.

Raze: voice laced with fury "So this is what it's come to, Trev? Do you think you can just whisk me away like some damsel in distress? Do you have any idea how disrespectful and demeaning that is?"

Trev: struggling to find the right words "Raze, I... I don't want to put you in danger...please understand"

Raze: Cut him off with a sharp gesture "Understand? understand what, Trev? Your complete disregard for my autonomy? Your selfish desire to control every aspect of my life? I've had enough of your excuses and justifications."

Trev: desperation creeping into his voice "Raze, please, just hear me out. I never wanted to hurt you."

Raze: bitter laughter "Best for us? Is that what you call it? Cheating with me is best for us? Betrayal is best for us?"

Raze: "I will do it, but only if you've been honest with me. I can be your sub, your slut, your whore... but only if you tell me the truth. Do you doubt my love for you? Why? Do you doubt yourself when I say you are my love? My life?"

Trev: defeated "I know I messed up, Raze. I know I hurt you. But please, give me a chance to make things right. I'll do whatever it takes to earn back your trust."

Raze: eyes flashing with determination "You want to earn back my trust, Trev? Then start by respecting my choices and my boundaries. This ends now."

With that, Raze turned on her heel and marched off the yacht, leaving Trev standing there in stunned silence. As the reality of his actions sank in, he realized just how much he had underestimated Raze and the strength of her resolve. If he wanted any chance of redemption, he would have to do more than just apologize – he would have to prove that he was worthy of her trust and respect.

Raze: "You pulled me out of the showdown? You wanted me to be imprisoned for breach of contract?" Raze's voice crackled with anger and disbelief. 

Trev: "You reported me missing? I paid off all the necessary damages because of my disappearance. Don't worry about that, it's all clear now,"

Raze: "It's great to have tons of money; you can cover up a dead body without smelling it..."

Trevor: "Raze, I..." His voice faltered, words failing to bridge the chasm between them.

Raze: "Don't." Her voice was sharp, cutting through the tension like a knife. "Don't you dare say anything?! Just listen for once."

Trevor remained silent, his gaze fixed on her, filled with a mixture of pain and regret.

Raze: "I hate you to the core, Trevor Claud Oswald! I hated the time I carried your name... I hated the time when I said I do... I hate you... I hate myself..."

Trevor's heart clenched at her words, the weight of her hatred crushing him with each syllable.

Trevor: "Raze, I never meant..."

Raze: "I said don't speak!" Her voice was a whip, lashing out with fury and pain. "You don't get to explain. You don't get to apologize. You lost that right the moment you betrayed me."

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