Chapter 2

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Bird's chirped and whistled in the foggy morning. Sitting on trees and electric poles.
The sun was still waking up, whether it wanted to or not.

Whether he wanted to or not, Reich was waking up.

His body felt exhausted and heavy. As his eyelid's struggled to stay open. Yet he had to open them.

He felt wierd. Everything was weird. Waking up in a soft bed. Cleaned, and if not properly dressed then we'll enough dressed.

He felt uncomfortable, out of place, alone. Any sort of movement felt very painful at the moment. Any sort of memory felt very painful at the moment.


Memories of last night. Last night. Yesterday. A bad day. A day you want to forget. Something you want to be forgotten. Something you want to be gone.

Reich snuggled into bed a bit. Ignoring his cranking bones and breaking cartilage. He had already done it many times before. But he needed a good cry, a really, really, long cry.

A cry that could kill him in an instant.


Germany was having a busy morning. An event he was used to.

But today he was even busier. Because he had an infamous war criminal to be taking care of today. And forever, and forever and yeaaaa.....

Germany may have purposefully waited until the evening to officially wake his father. He did check on him in the early morning but found him sleeping.

Nonetheless they had things to do today and they where going to get them done! Like going to the doctor, and a dentist. Cool plans for the day.

Germany found it hard to get his father out of bed. He was like a sloth glued to a tree and he wasn't letting go.

Eventually Germany was able to carry this father to the dinning room and gave him some warm soup to eat.

It was hot when Germany made it but by the time he made it downstairs again it was barely lukewarm. Oh well.

He left his father to eat as he went to make sure he had all the information and paper work he needed.

Reich had a hard time eating, he was barely registering what was going on around him. Things where moving too quickly.

He eyes watered from new air and bright lights. This was an annoying pain. If only he had some sunglasses or something.

He wasn't sure why Deutschland had brought him downs here. Where they going somewhere? If only he knew. If only he deserved to know.

Reich nonetheless had tried to eat the soup that was prepared for him. Though he found it very difficult to even keep himself up straight. He barely got in a nibble when Germany had returned and rushed him out of the door.

Helping him walk of course.


They where back in the 'car' Reich would call it. It was basically a future car to him. A future car of fake leather. He wasn't a big fan. Watched out the window from the back seat. He was glad he could see a bit better.

He was indeed glad, until he saw what they where driving to. Oh no. Not a hospital.

Those weird people who enjoy poking needles into you. He doesn't want to go, they're mean! He doesn't want to be experimented on 'in the name of science'. He knew it would most likely be 'good for him', but who liked to go to the hospital?!

Could he escape?

He could. He very much could. But would his weak body let him? Probably not. And, he didn't want to make Deutschland life more difficult. Since he was already such an inconvenience. Reich looked at him from the rear view mirror. His son not sparing a single glance at him. He couldn't do that, could he?

No. No he couldn't. He's caused enough trouble for everyone. Reich snuggle into a ball, hiding his head in his knees. This was going to be very unenjoyable. But he was going to have to do it anyways. Besides, this wasn't the first time he had to do something he didn't want to do.


Germany hummed a soft tune. He had successfully gotten his father from the house, to the car, and now to the waiting room.

He had help getting his father out of the car. He was thankful for that. They had made a very smart decision to put his father in a wheelchair.

The officers had asked to put handcuffs on the small German but Germany didn't think that would be a good idea. He was too weak to fight back anyways.

The chair on its own made him look kinda helpless, but if it works it works.

His father sat next to him in that black wheelchair. Fumbling with his hands a bit and almost constantly looking around. He must be very worried. But that's normal, most people don't liked going to the doctor.

Deutschland finished up the 'patient's information' paper work and handed it back to the people at the front desk.

It didn't take long for them to be brought into the back rooms. Being escorted by a nurse and a police officer. Cool.

It made sense to have an officer there. Though Germany knew his father wasn't capable of doing anything at the moment. Still, many people seemed frightened by him being there. Even with him basically passed out and being pushed in a small wheelchair.

Some doctors and nurses where smushing themselves right into the wall, freezing as they saw the one and only Third Reich roll past them.

Germany awkwardly followed as his father was ahead of him, being pushed by a young nurse.

They eventually made it to where they where supposed to be. Germany helped the nurse move his father to a small table almost bench surface. And she left. The police officer stayed. Another one soon joined him. They both where guarding the door, staring at the once ruling country.

Germany grumbled tiredly.

This was going to be a long visit.


Wow- how did this get here? 🤔


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