Chapter 13

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Reich woke up dramatically.

He was very upset still, he did not want to get up.

Reich peaked out from under his blanket and glared at the window. How dare the sun shine in his direction, stupid moving circle thing.

The German snuggled back into his blankets, not questioning why he now had two of them.

But the sun was still bothering him, so he flipped over to escape the blinding lights, only to hit something.

Reich blinked confusingly and pushed his blanket off of his head. Surprised to see the other half of his bed covered in a bunch of stuff.

Reich sat up and brought his blanket up with him. He leaned against the bed board and looked at the mountain of things.
Where did all this come from?

The German began to look through the things. Finding sketchbooks, some nice paints, little flags of Germany, but he stopped when he found a book with a note attached to it.

'Konnichiwa Reichy, this is a history book I snuck in for you. You aren't allowed to have any so don't tell anyone! It goes over...'

Reich ignored the rest of the note and opened the book, it was covering everything from the 20th century all the way to the 21st century. Reich shoved it under one of his pillows, he would have to look more into that later.

After some more digging he found some bags of strange candy, some journal stuff, and a German recipe book, from Italy.

After organizing some things, Reich was very surprised to see a vodka bottle sitting under some wrapped items.

Huh, it was still cold, Reich stuffed that under his pillow as well.

He would defiantly be drinking that later.

Almost a half an hour past and Reich had gone through almost everything the pile contained.

He was ready to get up, as a clock in the room told him was almost nine. But Germany had not appeared to fetch him yet.

Reich shook his head and looked at the floor. He was a strong, independent, little country, he could totally do this on his own.. well maybe not all of that was true... whatever.

Reich pushed the blankets off of him and scooted to the edge of the bed. His feet couldn't reach the floor.

He tried to touch the floor with his foot but he nearly slipped of the bed doing that. Reich sat up, catching himself before he fell. Why couldn't this be easier?

The German looked around the room and decided on a place to go.

The closet. He had never been there before, as almost every time he was in this room he was sleeping.

Reich nodded, assuring himself he could get to this destination.

He moved closer to his nightstand and put his hand on it for support. And eventually he put both of his feet on the floor, but he was still leaning on the bed.

Reich struggled a bit, but eventually he got the courage to lean away for the bed and nearly fell.

He quickly placed both of his hands on his nightstand, holding onto it tightly. He ended up turning around and glaring at his dumb feet. Why couldn't these stupid things work!?

Eventually Reich decided to pause for a moment and tried to just shift his feet around a bit in hopes to wake them.

When he felt like he was ready he took a hand off of table and took a hard step forward. It was small and shaky but it was still a step.

Reich took a breath and slowly pushed himself off of the nightstand, his body was now centered over his legs. This would be good for stability and balance.

Reich felt his legs start to go numb, but he refused to give up.

He stood there for a couple of minutes as his feet where begging him to get off of them, but he didn't. He would not give into them, instead Reich shifted his feet, trying his best to lift one and was surprised when he was able to do so. Everything shifted forward, as Reich waited a minute before repeating the step with his other foot.

The German was confused but glad he could do at least something now. He nearly made it to the end of his bed when he suddenly heard footsteps.

He grumbled as he wasn't going to be able to complete his goal. So he stopped his mission and sat at the end of the bed. He quickly wrapped one of his blanket around himself. He fell face first into the mattress. The door opened.

"Vater, are you awake?"

Reich poked his head up and looked at the younger German.

Germany was well dressed in a white button up, black suit paints, and a grey tie. Reich almost felt embarrassed, as he was a hot mess at the moment. Since he was wearing the same cloths from the night before and his hair was a disaster.

"Uh.. Vater I need you to come downstairs.."

Reich gave him a confused look and sat up, now feeling his muscles ache. His legs where killing him now, he curse at his weak body, he barely got to moved!

Germany helped Reich out of the room and down the stairs. Reich was wondering where they where heading and why until he saw two people sitting in the living room accompanied by many papers, and folders.

Reich noticed the tea kettle and cups on the coffee table, he wondered how long they had been there for.

The German almost naturally shifted into his son as the blue nations turned to look at them.

Reich began to feel himself sweat a bit, an almost worried look on his face.

He wasn't sure who these two where, but he didn't like the look of them one bit.

700 READS!! Yo that's crazy :O
Wonder who these blue guys are 🧐


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