Chapter 26

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Reich sighed tiredly as he walked down the hallway, he was currently heading downstairs to find something to eat.

He didn't get any sleep last night, he hadn't been able to for days.

His mind kept on going back to what Poland had asked him, and what he had, well, hadn't said to him?

But besides that, he was still wondered if he had made the right decision. He did say he would kill the polish country if he hurt Germany, and that was a promise.

But besides that, he hadn't seen the other around the house, in fact, no one had been around since then.

Just him and Germany, which could be kinda awkward sometimes.

The other was impressed with him re-achieving his walking ability. Which he just nodded at. He was unsure what to say about it, since he had been able to walk for a while now, he just hadn't told anyone.

Reich eventually made it to the kitchen, determined to make something. He didn't get the chance to learn how to cook much all those years ago, but he was sure he would be able to figure something out.

Now that he could see and reach more things in the kitchen, he was sure he could come up with something to eat.

But as he looked around the kitchen multiple times, nothing caught his eye, he was hungry, but his appetite was basically gone.

Reich eventually gave up and settled on stealing more of Germany's candy from the pantry.

That would have to do for now, Germany would probably end up cooking something later anyways.

Reich hummed as he walked out of the kitchen, Germany had been spending a lot of time in the living room for the past days, so Reich wasn't too surprised when he saw him there.

Reich blinked at the other German, who was busy staring at some paper work at the moment.

It took Germany a moment before he noticed his father standing there, taping his foot gently.

Eventually the two made eye contact and Germany waved at Reich, which made Reich wave back.

He seemed welcomed enough, so he went into the room, hoping he wasn't disturbing anything, he sat down on the couch a little bit away from Germany.

Germany went back to his papers, reading all the dumb words on them. Reich peaked over a bit, trying to get a look at them.

He probably shouldn't be doing that, but he was nosy, so he had to. But it wasn't anything too interesting, just some dumb complaints from some citizens or whatever.

Reich leaned back onto the couch when he realized there was nothing interesting going on. He closed his eyes for a moment, letting time tick by as he secretively ate Germany's snacks.

Germany continued to work on his paperwork, almost an hour passed and he decided to call it quits for the day.

He tapped his pen closed and started putting his papers away, in alphabetic order of course.

Reich looked over at him for a moment, but eventually closed his eyes again, ready to continue doing nothing, which was the best way to spend your day. But his eyes wouldn't be closed for very long this time.

"Uh.. Vater?"

Reich opened his eyes, and looked at the other German. "Yes?"

Germany thought for a moment before continuing. "Are you alright? Poland had said you were acting a bit weird the other day."

Reich squinted at him, looking confused. "What do you mean?"

"He said he went to go ask you something, and then you started, crying? Yeah, something like that. Before he got to say anything to you. Something like that." Germany paused for a moment and looked over at his father, "Is everything alright?"

Reich stared at Germany, unsure what to say, "Yeah, yeah I'm fine."

Germany squinted at him, he didn't really believe him. "Are you sure?"

Reich sat up, feeling a bit uncomfortable now, "Yes, I'm fine, I just, haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately. That's all."

Germany hummed and stared at his father, a concern look on his face. "If you say so.."

The room became quiet quick, as neither Germans knew what to say now. But eventually Germany spoke up.

"You wanna play janga?"

"What the hell is janga?"

Germany stood up and walked towards a closest, he opened it and pulled out a box.

"It's like a, block, stacking game. Yeah.." he said, and walked back to the couch.

The two stayed downstairs for the rest of the day, eventually they ended up throwing blocks at each other. As Reich had decided that war was a much more interesting game than whatever janga was.

Reich was successful in winning this battle, as Germany eventually surrendered, tired of getting blocks thrown at him.

Reich demanded that he make dinner because of his loss, which he agreed to do.

Dinner was fine, Reich would even say nice. As they continued to chat throughout the night, Reich even offered to help with the dishes to Germany's surprise.

The two had had a nice time together, a surprisingly nice time together, perhaps things could get better.

Perhaps they could, or maybe they couldn't.

But that didn't matter at the moment, as Reich was finally feeling good about something, he was finally feeling a bit happy again.


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