Chapter 33 (Bonus Chapter)

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The trees shook heavily as wind passed through them.

Soviet sighed deeply, removing the cigarette from his lips. The smoke snaked around him, filling the world with its toxic air.

The Russian glanced to his side, eyeing Poland and Germany for a moment before going back to his smoke break.

He waited a while, a good while. The sun was starting to set, but he stood still, still waiting.

Eventually Poland and Germany left, and Soviet moved as soon as he did.

He walked across the street from where his car was parked. He didn't look both ways when he did.

He instead continued walking. Soon he made his way towards an old gate, and opened. Slowly he walked into the cemetery. Taking his time to admire the graves of other dead countries and some states.

Oh how nice UN was to make this little place for dead people. Usually a country's body just got thrown out, and decomposed quickly to prevent any human interaction with it.

Soviet remembered when he did that to his own father. Though he had to admit, watching that old man's body roll down a hill with a bloody mess trailing behind it was quite entertaining.

Well, at least to him at least.

The Russian continued to walk down the brick path, and eventually he found the spot Germany and Poland had recently been standing at.

He hummed slightly, seeing the German's grave for a second time was still quite strange to him.

As when he had that German thrown into that cell all those years ago, he had truly forgotten about the other's existence.

Not fully, but definitely a little bit.

Soviet sighed deeply, tapping his boot as he glanced over the words on the other's tombstone.

Perhaps he should leave.. it's not like he was here to do much anyways.

And with that the Russian left, taking his time to walk back down the brick road, and back to his car. Leaving a small bouquet of cornflowers on the German's grave as he did.

JE sighed deeply, she rubbed her eyes for a moment before setting down her phone.

"UN still wants to meet with us."

She looked over at FI, who was sitting next to the window, looking out it sadly. Or as JE saw it, being as dramatic as ever.

"Well tell him I don't want to see him." The Italian blew his nose into a tissue he was holding. "I'm still," he sniffed. "healing." He cried loudly.

JE rolled her eyes, aren't they all? "Quit being a baby and go make some pasta okay?"

Italy stood up proudly, holding his shoulder back and his head high. "Fine! Have it your way, I'll go make some pasta then." He huffed loudly and marched over to the kitchen.

What in the world had gotten into him?

Japan stayed in the living room for a while, before making her way to the kitchen.

She sighed deeply again, seeing FI cutting up some ingredients. You could barely see the tears that were running down his face.

The cat lady went to hug him. But Italy ignored her. "Stop it. It's just the onions. Nothing else." He mumbled, little tears still falling down his face.

But there were no onions on his cutting board. JE decided not to mention it.

"It's okay dear, just let it all out."

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