Chapter 30

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Germany stared at the stuffed bear in front of him, the brown fluff stared back at him with its beaded black eyes.

The young country looked to his side, finding Poland walking over to him quickly, he smiled seeing Germany with the bear. "Do you like it?"

Germany rolled his eyes and gave a little nod. "You can have it back if you want."

Germany just saying that made Poland nearly jump out his boots. "No way! I won it so you could have it. You have to keep it!" The country crossed his arms.

Germany sighed and shook his head. The two were currently running around town, and had happened to run into some carnival. Poland insisted he could win something, so he spent almost fifty bucks trying to win a stupid stuffed bear that he probably could have gotten for less than ten if he just bought it himself.

The German looked down at his watch, seeing the clock tick deeper into the morning. He looked back at Poland, "Should we head back now?"

Poland looked at him and shrugged. "Why don't we stay until morning?"

Germany squinted at him. It was already quite late and his sleeping schedule was definitely ruined by now. "You really want to stay out longer?"

Poland nodded, smiling at the German. "Sure, we've already made it this far." He reached for the other's hand, and began motioning for him to walk with him, "Why not?"

Germany hummed and looked at his phone for a minute. A strike of fear went through him as he thought of his father being home alone. All by himself, in such a messed up state.

But he was probably fine. He was probably just sleeping. The country sighed and nodded. Why not spend just a little bit more time running around town, and then he would get home, and find his father safe and well rested.

A little bit longer went by. Then an hour, then another hour. And then another. And then the sun came up.

Germany tapped his foot gently. He had gone days without sleep before, for work of course. But he had never spent such a long time outside just running around before. His body felt like it was decomposing for sure.

The country sipped his drink and continued to walk around the store.

Poland was off in another aisle, doing who knows what.

The country hummed and took big steps around the store, poking boxes here and there, and listening to the noises of life around him.

Eventually he found Poland again, next to some birds. He poked at their cages, staring at their wings.

"What about a bird? You think he'd like that?"

A bird? A bird stuck in a cage with no hope of ever getting out of it. Forced to stay in a life that it doesn't want to live.

"Naw. Don't usually really old grandmothers have birds?"

Poland looked at him with an eyebrow raised. "Perhaps, but isn't he old? And you never know." The country shrugged, looking away from Germany. "Perhaps he will have grandkids someday."

Germany blushed and gave Poland a small uncomfortable glare. He did not need to say that, like really.

"I don't wanna get a bird. They'd be way too loud anyways."

Now it was Poland that was glaring, he turned to the German country, his new bird friends also turned to look at Germany as well, they glared at him with the polish country.

"Well then, what do you want to get him?" The birdy country asked, crossing his arms as he did.

Germany shrugged. "I was thinking about a cat."

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