Chapter 8

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Reich woke up confused and, like normal, malnourished. How did he get here? He wondered as the sun peaked threw his window curtains. He didn't think much of it and snuggled back into bed until Germany suddenly slammed his door open. And startled scolding him like an anger mother to her child.

Reich was too tired to really pay attention. Something about how he shouldn't run away- blah blah blah.

Not like anyone could really stop him. Unless they took away his wheelchair, then he would be doomed.

His son's anger didn't stop him from having a nice warm breakfast though. Reich was actually enjoying himself for a moment. Even if Germany was upset about his actions. It made him want to smile, he liked being rebellious. But he didn't like Deutschland being made at him, so he didn't.

The morning went on slowly as Germany had made him stay downstairs so he could write a 'What Not to do List.'. He forced Reich to sit there and listen to him. And the weak German would do anything to get out of this situation.

It was almost noon when Germany let Reich be. The other left to get ready for work, leaving Reich alone in the living room to do whatever.

Reich ended up snooping around a bit and decided to do one of Germany's puzzles. It was boring but he had nothing else to do.

He was fine for a while until he saw Germany nearly running straight out the door. Babbling about him being late or something. Oh well.

The young German spent the next 5-10 minutes running around the house frantically. Reich watched, he almost wanted to laugh, but another part of him stopped him from doing so. A nagging voice telling him this was all his fault, and that he should be ashamed of himself. He wasn't sure what he had to do with the other being late. But his mood dropped completely, and Reich kept his head down.

Eventually it seemed Germany had everything he needed he opened the door, and right before he slammed it shut he gave Reich a parenting look.

Reich felt like he had been caught doing something wrong.

"Remember the rules, there is food in the fridge. Don't try to leave, don't break anything, including yourself. And no weapons! And you better not try anything! Your babysitters will be here soon. Just stay down here until they show up. I'll be home soon."

And with that Germany slammed the door shut.

Reich stared at the door for a moment before his eyes moved across the living room. He was alone. At least for a while. And he could do whatever he wanted.

Well until some babysitter showed up, but Reich wasn't thinking about that.

Reich listened for a moment as Germany's car began to drive away. Once he knew the other was gone he zooming to the front door. He tugged and pulled on the handle for no avail. He pulled on it a couple more times before eventually giving up. He grumbled. The door was locked.

Reich ended up going to the kitchen. Snooping around, going through the cabinets he could reach. It wasn't too exciting, but he found Deutschland's snack drawer. He would definitely keep a note of where that was.

He spend almost an hour and a half running around the home. He even tried lifting himself from his wheelchair at some point, but it proved to be mighty difficult. He would just have to keep on trying later.

As Reich sat around his puzzle again, swooshing pieces around, he heard a knock at the front door. He perked up, this must be his 'babysitter' huh?

There was a clamper with the door handle and some muffled bickering as someone was trying to unlocks the door. Until someone else's muffled voice picked up and what seemed to be arguing ensued.

Seems like there are two people here to 'babysit' him. About five minutes passed before the door suddenly slammed open and an decently dressed Italian fell into the house. Landing face first on the floor.

The Italian scrambled on the floor like a fish out of water before facing the person that pushed him. "What was that for!" Italy stood up.

"It was an accident I swear." The neko said. Putting her hands up in defence.

Reich watched the two idiots from the living room. He wasn't sure what to feel honestly. He wasn't expecting to see these two ever again.

He began to feel awkward, even if he hadn't been noticed yet, he was still in a room with them. To be completely honest he felt his whole body cringing at the two. Now dressed in such modern and unprofessional cloths. What kind of monster makes those fashion choices?

The two at the door argued like some old married couple before Italy declared that he would be walking away from this 'negative space' and finally spotted Reich sitting in the living room doing his puzzle.

The two stared at each other quietly. And after closing the door JE noticed him as well.

JE blinked at the German. "Uh- Konnichiwa Reichy...."

"Yea- uh.. ciao.."

'You have got to be kidding me-' Reich's mind was screaming. He would be banging his head on the table if he could. Out of all the idiots that he could of gotten it had to be theses two.

JE suddenly clapped her hands together. Reich looked at her confusingly. Italy glanced at her. "Let's get going!"



Dumb, dumber and dumbest have reunited 🎉

Thank you for reading-


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